
世界节假日博览 第7期:国际拥抱日

时间:2015-10-16 06:44:19



   National Hugging Day started on January 21, 1986. The Reverend Kevin Zaborney from the USA created the dayto promote the emotional benefits of hugging. This celebration has moved beyond America’s borders and people now celebrate the benefits of a hug in Australia, Canada, England, Germany and Russia. It seems the day might catch on and start in other world countries. In America, National Hugging Day is big in schools, nursing care facilities and hospitals. It is a wonderful way of letting people know how you feel about themand of showing you care. So, go on… this National Hugging Day give everyone a big hug and make them feel good. A word of advice – ask before you hug!

  There is a lot of research that shows hugging is good for us. Dr. Jay Gordon wrote a book called ‘Brighter Baby’, which said hugging a child every day is more likely to make him or her more intelligent. Unlike kissing, hugging is acceptable1 in most societies. It can be a form of greeting between friends, a way of celebrating a victory, or a way of showing your support for someone. It doesn’t matter what age, race, sexor religion you are; hugs can take place between any two people. Hugging also takes place in the animal world. Monkeys and apes are very fond of a hug to show their friendship. We even see the Teletubbies TV characters showing off their hugging skills as they give each other a “big hug”.
  许多研究表明拥抱有益身心。杰·戈登医生曾经写过一本书,叫作“阳光宝贝”,书中提到每天与孩子拥抱能够让他们变得更加聪慧。不像亲吻,绝大部分文化都接受拥抱。拥抱可以是朋友之间的问候,一种庆祝胜利的方式,或者是展现你对他人的支持。拥抱不限年龄、种族、性别、宗教;任意两个人都可以拥抱。拥抱也可以出现在动物世界中。猴子和猿就非常喜欢用拥抱来表达友情。我们甚至能够在电视剧“天线宝宝”中看到角色中的拥抱能力。 likely to 很有可能
  The vetting2 information would be likely to generate3 further interest and, due to the profile of some individuals, would likely grab4 front page status.
  2.take place 发生
  By design, the entire page is usually in the correct output markup5 language by this point, so no markup conversions6 should take place at this level.
  3.a word of advice 一句忠告
  But a word of advice to sports fans: maybe just catch the highlights.
  4.give hug 拥抱
  Will we give a hug to each other when we meet?



1 acceptable NIByZ     
  • The terms of the contract are acceptable to us.我们认为这个合同的条件可以接受。
  • Air pollution in the city had reached four times the acceptable levels.这座城市的空气污染程度曾高达可接受标准的四倍。
2 vetting a80d8b6e330219174b308e2937edab43     
n.数据检查[核对,核实]v.审查(某人过去的记录、资格等)( vet的现在分词 );调查;检查;诊疗
  • Scripts had to be submitted to Ministry of Information officials for vetting. 必须把脚本提交给信息部官员审查。 来自互联网
  • Their purpose in clicking deeper into a site is one of vetting. 他们深入点击网站的目的是一种诊疗。 来自互联网
3 generate mgKxt     
  • We need someone to generate new ideas.我们需要有人出新主意。
  • This book will continue to generate excitement for a long time.这本书将在很长一段时间里继续使人们为之激动。
4 grab ef0xd     
  • It is rude to grab a seat.抢占座位是不礼貌的。
  • The thief made a grab at my bag but I pushed him away.贼想抢我的手提包,但被我推开了。
5 markup Povz7v     
  • This mean that international delivery will line markup from today.这意味着国际快递将从今天起全线涨价。
  • Our products are expensive,and distributors and retailers always want a large markup.我们的产品很贵,经销商和零售商总是要求高额利差。
6 conversions 2cf788b632004c0776c820c40534398d     
变换( conversion的名词复数 ); (宗教、信仰等)彻底改变; (尤指为居住而)改建的房屋; 橄榄球(触地得分后再把球射中球门的)附加得分
  • He kicked a penalty goal and two conversions, ie in Rugby football. 他一次罚球得分,两次触地后射门得分(在橄榄球赛中)。
  • Few of the intermediates or enzymes involved in these conversions have been isolated from higher plants. 在这些转变中包含的少数中间产物或酶已经从高等植物中分离出来。

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