

时间:2015-11-01 08:46:41


   5 Common Mistakes of People in Their 20s

  You’re in your 20s and you feel like you have all the time and energy to do whatever you want – from partying ’til dawn with your friends down to eating whatever you like. But the 20s are just like any other life stage; they pass by and before you knew it, they are gone. Don’t let them pass by and leave you with regrets. Learn from these common mistakes people in their 20s make:
  1. Staying in an unhealthy relationship
  Your 20s will play an important role in shaping who you are. It is the stage that you get to know better what you want for yourself and from a partner. If the relationship is not making both of you into a better person, then maybe you should take a step back and ask yourself if it’s still worth it. Some people in their 20s make the common mistake of staying in an unhealthy relationship just because they’ve been with the person for so long. Keep in mind that it’s not the length of a relationship that counts most but the quality of your relationship.
  2. Spending money carelessly
  Buying whatever you want and eating out almost everyday may make you feel good at the moment but it will make you poor in the long run. Even if you have a salary that’s more than enough for your living expenses, you still won’t be able to make progress in your financial goals if you constantly1 spend more than what you earn. Remember that your financial choices today will make an impact2 on your future so choose where to spend your money on. Make sure that you spend them on things that will move you forward towards your financial goals.
  3. Sticking to a dead-end job
  With piles of student debt3, you find it insane4 just to consider quitting your job. But have you also thought of the time and energy you’re wasting on a job that doesn’t suit your skills, strengths, and interests? If you haven’t figured out yet what your dream job is, then use this stage to find out what it is.
  Start creating a list of career ideas that you think will suit your strengths and interests then get your feet wet. Ask people who are in these industries about the job and what needs to be done to take you there. These steps may not instantly5 take you to your dream job but it helps build the bridge to get you there.
  4. Giving up dreams for fear of failure
  Fear is a powerful6 emotion. You feel it especially if you’re chasing7 something that’s bigger than yourself. But don’t let it stop you. Whether you dream of traveling the world or starting your own business, don’t let the fear of failure keep you from taking action. There will always be mistakes and failure will be inevitable8 but giving it a try won’t do you harm. The most successful people have too felt the fear but what sets them apart from the rest is that they took action anyway.
  5. Giving in to naysayers
  In your journey towards your dreams, there will be people who will doubt your capacity9 and question your dreams. Don’t give in to their negativity and don’t argue with them. Just let them say what they have to say and do your own thing. Sometimes you need these kind of people to help you evaluate10 how badly you want your dream to happen. If you really want it that bad, then you will still pursue11 it even if no one believes you.
  You won’t get into this life stage again. Make the most of it and make sure that it’s always worth looking back at.



1 constantly EvHzqK     
  • The two countries have been warring constantly for years.这两国多年来一直交战。
  • We should constantly urge ourselves on to study hard.我们要经常鞭策自己努力学习。
2 impact Ganx3     
  • The computer had made a great impact on modern life.计算机对现代生活产生了巨大的影响.
  • How will the war impact on such a poet?战争对这样一个诗人会产生什么影响?
3 debt yO7zW     
  • The man was pressed to pay off his debt.那人被逼还债。
  • The firm had to charge off the debt as hopeless.公司只得把那笔没希望要回的债务注销。
4 insane nbVzG     
  • Insane people are sometimes dangerous.精神病人有时非常危险。
  • The letter made her insane with jealousy.那封信使她妒忌得发疯。
5 instantly S6CxP     
  • She was used to having her orders instantly obeyed.她习惯了让人即刻服从她的命令。
  • Though he slept soundly,he awoke instantly.他虽然睡得很香,但是马上就醒了。
6 powerful E1Zzi     
  • The UN began to get more and more powerful.联合国开始变得越来越强大了。
  • Such are the most powerful voices of our times!这些就是我们时代的最有力的声音!
7 chasing 8fde1d7175bfd43e3953dc8f79f4dcdf     
  • My dog likes chasing rabbits. 我的狗喜欢追捕兔子。
  • The children were having fun, chasing each other's shadows. 孩子们追逐着彼此的影子,玩得很开心。
8 inevitable 5xcyq     
  • Mary was wearing her inevitable large hat.玛丽戴着她总是戴的那顶大帽子。
  • The defeat had inevitable consequences for British policy.战败对英国政策不可避免地产生了影响。
9 capacity ITxy7     
  • She is employed by the president in an advisory capacity.她被总裁聘为顾问。
  • This carriage has a seating capacity of 120 people.这节车厢定员120人。
10 evaluate Cnqxe     
  • I can't evaluate his ability without seeing his work.我没有看到他的工作情况,无法评论他的能力。
  • Don't evaluate a person on the basis of appearance.不要以相貌取人。
11 pursue IC3ys     
  • He began to pursue an easy and comfortable life.他开始追求安逸舒适的生活。
  • This is the path that we shall continue to pursue.这是我们要继续走的道路。