时间:2016-01-07 01:54:14
Hello, my name is Anita and I'm from Taiwan and Taiwan is a very small country and I'm not sure where Taiwan can be considered a country or not. I like Taiwan very well because we have nice food, nice weather, the winter is warm and people are friendly. I like to stay in Taiwan very much.
speaker My name is Jeyong Kim. I am from
Korea1 and I'm 19 years old. Koreans like Kim-chi, yes, and most of the Koreans like
spicy2 food, but I for example cannot eat spicy food very well because my tongue gets really hot and, mm.
speaker Hi, my name is Martin. I'm from Seattle,
Washington3 in the
United4 States. Ah, Seattle if you haven't heard of it is one the Northwest corner of the U.S. It's very famous for
salmon5 and the space needle. I went to school there, at the University of Washington. It's a very beautiful
campus6. Very large campus. There's 30,000 people there, on the campus. People from all over the world, just like I'm sure you've seen.
speaker Hello, my name is Naomi. I'm from Australia. In Australia I live on the sunshine coast. Which as you can tell from the name is a very sunny place. We have very beautiful beaches, so often. I will go to the beach with my dog and my family and we have a very outdoor lifestyle there.
speaker Hello, my name is Marion and I'm from
Ireland7. One thing I love about Ireland is the green that's everywhere. We have lots of space in Ireland and lots of nature, so lots of green fields and mountains and it's great to be able to go and walk along the hills and the mountains, when you feel like taking some exercise.
speaker My name is Akane and I'm from Toronto, Canada. One thing that I like about my country is that in Canada there are lots of different kinds of apples and I really like apples. Usually you can get them for about 99 cents a pound and there are many varieties such as Granny Smith, and Macintosh, which were invented in Ontario, and Red Delicious,
Golden8 Delicious, my favorite is Royal Gala.
