【一起闲话英语】晚上出行的计划-Plans for the night
时间:2016-01-14 00:44:18
Phil, England
speaker What are my plans for tonight? My plans for tonight are watching movies. I live in a guest house with lots of different
nationality1 people and tonight there is a movie night planned, so I think I will watch it. I don't have much money, so staying in is
definitely2 a good idea for me.
speaker What are my plans for the evening? Well, tonight I'm going to go out with a friend for dinner and then afterwards, we're planning to go see a bluegrass band. It's kind of interesting kind of music, not very common, and we're gonna listen to the band and hopefully we'll get to sing with them too. It might be fun.
Mark, England
speaker What are my plans for tonight? Well, first of all, I'm going to have dinner with my wife probably in a few hours, and then hopefully we'll go to a local bar. I need to meet a friend of mine. We need to chat about a little bit of business.
Simone, Sweden
speaker I'm really tired today because I was doing
stuff4 yesterday so today I'm just gonna relax with my friends and watch a movie. I don't know which one really but something not too difficult.
Conrad, The United States
speaker What am I doing tonight? Well, it's a Friday night so I've got some time because my wife is in
California5 and I think I'm gonna make some Mexican food which is a very popular food in California with all of the Mexicans who live there, and I'll probably make some burritos with salsa.
Barbara, Australia
speaker What are my plans for tonight? Well, I think I'm going to watch a DVD and I'm going to open a bottle of wine, sit back and relax and enjoy the movie - take it easy after a long, hard days work.