【一起闲话英语】给自己的国家提出意见-Country Criticism
时间:2016-02-15 02:06:53
Sunny / Korea
speaker I'm from Korea, and it's developed very recently in a rapid pace, so I think competition is the one thing that people always have in mind, and I hope Korea can be a little slow-paced and relaxed.
Tim / United States
speaker In America, I think it would be very helpful if people were more considerate about others, not
necessarily1 people that they would
interact2 with, but also people that they'll never see. So, if people could try to not litter so much or keep things in public areas much cleaner, or just do things that would be more helpful in the future, I think that would help things a lot.
Rese / Botswana
speaker Yeah, I wish the public transportation system was better, because
currently3 it takes a long time to get from one bus station to another, and the buses are crowded, you cannot really get a good seat.
Gareth / England
speaker I think my country is too violent. I'm from England, and there's a lot of youth violence, a lot of
stabbing4. In England, we don't have so much
gang5 culture; it's a little bit in the cities, but it's mainly violence from fighting, like
brawls6. And I would like to stop this.
Kat / Germany
speaker One thing I'd like to change about Germany is how many taxes we have to pay. Some people pay up to fifty percent of what they own to the government, and I think that's just too high, so I'd really like to change the tax system.
Katia / Mexico
speaker One thing that I would like to change about the country is perhaps have a little bit of less violence. Right now, it's a little bit critical situation, but I think that's the only thing that I would like to see changed in my country.