【一起闲话英语】政治危机还是环境危机?-Politics or the environment?
时间:2016-02-15 02:14:59
Sarah / England
speaker I am probably more worried about political dangers rather than environmental, mainly because with environmental, you have the option to change what's going to happen to the environment. You can sort of try and change that as much as you can;
whereas1 with political issues, you can't really change how a person thinks. You can try and change the political party that's in charge, but you can't really change how one person thinks. So, I think that' more unpredictable.
Lindsay / United States
speaker I'm much more worried about environmental dangers. I feel like politically, we're going to be fine. I'm never going to go to these countries that are war-torn. I'm going to try and stay always in safe countries. But the environment, I feel like it's affecting everything, and the seasons are changing, and the
icebergs2 are melting, and in the next twenty years, we're going to have some major problems.
Phoebe / China
speaker Do I worry more about the environment or political problems? I think I worry about environmental more than the political problems because I don't really know the political problems, and I live in the city. I care about the environment more. I hope - I wish I can live more conformable and, you know, and in a better environment so that's more important for me.
Tim / United States
speaker Although I don't worry too much about political or environmental problems, I would say I'm more concerned about political problems, because they have the tendency to be more unpredictable and they can
escalate3 very quickly
unexpectedly4; whereas with environmental problems, things usually happen more slowly and we can usually
anticipate5 what's going to go wrong.
Antoinette / United States
speaker I'm probably more worried about environmental dangers, because we, humans, are damaging the earth, and the damages that we do will affect generations and generations to come, so I probably think more about that. I'm not as politically in
tuned6, so, yeah, I worry more about environmental dangers.
Tony / Mozambique
speaker I would say both. As you know, Africa- like the countries surrounding my country tend not to have stable political system, which means that maybe in the near future, a war can break out. And environmental dangers, because if we should
deplete7 our natural resource, it could affect our future.