【一起闲话英语】第一印象-First Impression
时间:2016-02-15 02:25:28
speaker My first impression of best friend was positive. I mean, she was really nice to me, and she helped me a lot with my studies and also adapting in a university. So, she was really nice, and until now, we're still best friends.
speaker I actually don't have a first impression of my best friend, because I grew up with him and I knew him as long as I can remember, so I actually don't have an impression of him.
Dani / England
speaker Well, I guess, my first impression sounds quite
odd3. The fact that she had lots and lots of
freckles4, and I didn't, and also she had quite short hair and my hair was very long at the time.
Kat / Germany
speaker My first impression of my best friend was I don't like her. I am pretty judgmental when I see people for the first time, and when I saw her, I just
instantly5 didn't like her, and it was the same for her. But once we got talking, I realized she's going to be my best friend. That was five years ago, and we're still the best of friends.
Mike / Singapore
speaker First impression of my best friend was that he was a little bit crazy. He's from Iran, and his name is [Firos]. He's very lazy, but I like him because he's
Lindsay / United States
speaker The first impression of my best friend was that she was really outgoing and very original. I was really attracted to her from the beginning. I thought, "Wow, she's got quite cool style!" and someone that I admire.