走进哈佛大学 第9期:哈佛大学唯一的本科学院
时间:2016-02-29 06:17:07
Founded in 1636 and set in New England, Harvard College is the oldest school at Harvard University. As Harvard began to grant higher degrees than bachelor,s degree in the late eighteenth century, people started to call it “Harvard University”. “Harvard College” survived, nonetheless. At first, it only enrolled1 boys. Now, it enrolls2 both boys and girls. And It is the only undergraduate division of Harvard University.
哈佛学院位于新英格兰,成立于1636年,是哈佛大学最古老的学院。18世纪晚期, 哈佛开始授予比学士更高的学位,于是人们开始称其为“哈佛大学' 不管怎样“哈 佛学院”被保留了下来,起初只招收男生,现在则男女生都招收,是哈佛大学唯一的 本科部。
It was said that Radcliffe College was the other school of Harvard granting undergraduate degrees. This saying is not totally correct, Radcliffe College used to be an independent college of Harvard. It was founded in 1879 as a women’s college. From 1879 to 1943, Harvard professors repeated to Radcliffe students the lectures they gave at Harvard. By 1943,the instruction of Radcliffe undergraduates had became a formal responsibility of the Harvard
Faculty3 of Arts and Sciences. Then, in the 1960s the pace of
integration4 quickened. Harvard degrees were awarded to Radcliffe students for the first time in 1963, and in the same year women are admitted to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. During this period, Radcliffe Col Lege could not be called a college of Harvard in the real sense, although its undergraduates were educated by Harvard faculty.
有人说拉德克利夫学院是哈佛大学里另一个可以授予本科学位的学院,这种说 法不完全正确。拉德克利夫学院曾经是独 立于哈佛大学的一个女子学院,成立于 1879年。从1879年到1943年,哈佛教授 给哈佛学生和拉德克利夫的学生讲授同样 的课。到1943年,给拉德克利夫学院的本科 生上课成了哈佛文理学院的一项正式任务。接下来在20世纪60年代,两校的合并速 度加快了。1963年哈佛学位第一次被授给拉德克利夫学院的学生,同一年哈佛文理学 院开始招收女生。在这一段时间里,拉德克利夫学院并不能算是一个真正意义上的哈 佛大学的学院,尽管拉德克利夫的学生是哈佛老师教的。
As the pace of integration quickened, however, Radcliffe College gradually lost its reputation as a undergraduate school. In 1977, Harvard and Radcliffe agreed that Radcliffe would delegate to Harvard all responsibility for undergraduate education of women and the management of undergraduate affairs. After the 1977 Agreement, Radcliffe College
devoted5 increasing attention to development of research programs and
cultivation6 of
postgraduate7 programs, having turned over almost all responsibility for collegiate affairs to Harvard College.
但随着合并速度的加快,拉德克利夫逐渐失去了本科学院这一声誉。1977年哈佛 大学和拉德克利夫学院达成协议,拉德克利夫同意把所有本科生教育和本科生管理事 务都交给哈佛大学。这之后拉德克利夫学院开始把注意力转向开发科研项目和研究生 培养项目上,几乎把学院所有的责任都转给了哈佛学院。
On September 14,1999,the governing bodies of Harvard and Radcliffe completed the
merger8 of the two institutions. Harvard College assumed full responsibility for the education of undergraduate women. As a result of the merger, the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study was established. Today, Raddiffe’s campus functions as the new research institute within Harvard, and former Radcliffe student housing has been incorporated as
residential9 houses of Harvard College.
1999年9月14日哈佛和拉德克利夫的领导机构完成了两校的合并,哈佛学院承 担了所有教育拉德克利夫学院女生的责任。合并之后,拉德克利夫高等研宄院成立了。 今天拉德克利夫校园的功能转变为哈佛大学里的一个新的研宄场所,拉德克利夫学院 的宿舍也被并入哈怫学院的住宿学园里。
Therefore, Harvard College is the only school in Harvard granting undergraduate degrees.