
The Lake House《触不到的恋人》(视频精讲之三)

时间:2007-04-29 03:09:24



Simon Wyler: About the... the other day it was not a good moment. I was in a hell of a hurry.

Alex: Of course. You've got some nice pieces here.

Simon: Oh, yeah. Music's fine, music helps. It's like Nietzsche says: "Life would be senseless--"

Alex: "Without music."

Simon: I guess I told you that, huh? Pour yourself a drink. Can you appreciate a good wine by now?

Alex: You bet.

Simon: You know, you'll have to forgive your father for being curious but where have you been all these years? I thought your Kerouac days were behind you.

Alex: I'm sorry, what?

Simon: What? Oh, you can come up, if you like. 

Alex: What are you working on?

Simon: Oh, I'm just--I'm just remembering things. It's not such an easy job, let me tell you. Nor is it particularly innocent, in my case. Your father is writing his memoirs1.

Alex: Are we in it?

Simon: What do you think? Do you wanna be?

Alex: Do you?

Simon: Of course. You were all a part of your father's life.

Alex: Why are you talking to me in the third person?

Simon: Well, I--I don't--Because I'm writing about myself, I suppose. Why, doesn't it suit you?

Alex: I thought you might like these.

Simon: What are these? Something you've been working on?

Alex: No, they're--They're yours. From a house I just bought on the lake.

Simon: Oh, yes, I heard. They said some sleazy little condo developer had snapped it up. Oh, come on, indulge your father. Can't you take a little joke, for God's sake? Come on. Tell me. Where have you been? I really want to know.

Alex: I was trying to forget you. Or forgive you.

Simon: Did you succeed?

Alex: No. Let me know if you need any help remembering.

Simon: Oh, yeah, I will.


1. a hell of a

You did a hell of a job! 看看你干的好事!(这里是反语,表示让人受不了。)
18 is a hell of an age. 十八岁真的是黄金年华!

2. You bet!

口语中的一个常用的短句,意思相当于 Of course! 或者You are absolutely right! 当你完全同意别人观点的时候就可以使用这个表达。如:
--I think this movie really sucks!
--You bet!

3. snap up

If you snap something up, you buy it quickly because it is cheap or is just what you want.
e.g.: Every time we get a new delivery of clothes, people are queuing to snap them up.
One girl snapped up a pair of ancient style earrings2 for just $6.


Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 尼采

(born Oct. 15, 1844, R?cken, Saxony, Prussia-died Aug. 25, 1900, Weimar, Thuringian States) German-Swiss philosopher and writer, one of the most influential3 of modern thinkers. The son of a Lutheran pastor4, he studied at Bonn and Leipzig and at age 24 became professor of Classical philology5 at the University of Basel. He became close to the older Richard Wagner, in whose operas he saw the potential for the revival6 of Western civilization, but broke with Wagner angrily in 1876. His Birth of Tragedy (1872) contained major insights into ancient Greek drama; like Untimely Meditations7 (1873), it is dominated by a Romantic perspective also influenced by Arthur Schopenhauer. Mental and physical problems forced him to leave his position in 1878, and he spent 10 years attempting to recover his health in various resorts while continuing to write prolifically8. His works from Human, All Too Human (1878) to The Gay Science (1882) extol9 reason and science, experiment with literary genres10, and express his emancipation11 from his earlier Romanticism. His mature writings, particularly Beyond Good and Evil (1886), A Genealogy12 of Morals (1887), and Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883-92), were preoccupied13 with the origin and function of values in human life. If, as he believed, life neither possesses nor lacks intrinsic value and yet is always being evaluated, then such evaluations14 can usefully be read as symptoms of the evaluator's condition. He fulminated against Christianity and announced the death of God. His major breakdown15 in 1889 marked the virtual end of his productive life. He was revered16 by Adolf Hitler for his dislike of democracy and his heroic ideal of the ?bermensch (Superman), though the Nazis17 perverted18 Nietzsche's thought and ignored much in it that was hostile to their aims. His analyses of the root motives19 and values that underlie20 traditional Western religion, morality, and philosophy affected21 generations of theologians, philosophers, psychologists, poets, novelists, and playwrights22.



1. 这辆摩托车真是棒极了!
2. -你真打算去西藏吗?
3. 要是有什么便宜货,她就去抢购。

The Lake House《触不到的恋人》(精讲之二)考考你 参考答案

1. 我将来一定要投身于科学事业。
I will dedicate myself to science in the future.

2. 她这个人就是有点怪的。
She is kind of weird23.

3. 你们应该每天早上八点半之前到教室。
You are supposed to arrive at the classroom in 15 minutes.



1 memoirs f752e432fe1fefb99ab15f6983cd506c     
n.回忆录;回忆录传( mem,自oir的名词复数)
  • Her memoirs were ghostwritten. 她的回忆录是由别人代写的。
  • I watched a trailer for the screenplay of his memoirs. 我看过以他的回忆录改编成电影的预告片。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 earrings 9ukzSs     
n.耳环( earring的名词复数 );耳坠子
  • a pair of earrings 一对耳环
  • These earrings snap on with special fastener. 这付耳环是用特制的按扣扣上去的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 influential l7oxK     
  • He always tries to get in with the most influential people.他总是试图巴结最有影响的人物。
  • He is a very influential man in the government.他在政府中是个很有影响的人物。
4 pastor h3Ozz     
  • He was the son of a poor pastor.他是一个穷牧师的儿子。
  • We have no pastor at present:the church is run by five deacons.我们目前没有牧师:教会的事是由五位执事管理的。
5 philology 1Ndxj     
  • Philology would never be of much use to you.语文学对你不会有很大用途。
  • In west,the philology is attached to the linguistics.在西方,文语文学则附属于语言学。
6 revival UWixU     
  • The period saw a great revival in the wine trade.这一时期葡萄酒业出现了很大的复苏。
  • He claimed the housing market was showing signs of a revival.他指出房地产市场正出现复苏的迹象。
7 meditations f4b300324e129a004479aa8f4c41e44a     
默想( meditation的名词复数 ); 默念; 沉思; 冥想
  • Each sentence seems a quarry of rich meditations. 每一句话似乎都给人以许多冥思默想。
  • I'm sorry to interrupt your meditations. 我很抱歉,打断你思考问题了。
8 prolifically f54a8b510b7afd9c95c1da32f5873fea     
  • He wrote prolifically both in Ireland and England, nearly constantly shuttling from one to the other. 他几乎不断穿梭于爱尔兰和英国之间,并在两地写出大量作品。 来自互联网
  • He had directed his first film in 1923 and had worked prolifically throughout the silent era. 1923年,沟口健二执导了他的处女作,在之后的整个默片时代里,他创作了大量作品。 来自互联网
9 extol ImzxY     
  • We of the younger generation extol the wisdom of the great leader and educator.我们年轻一代崇拜那位伟大的引路人和教育家的智慧。
  • Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. 我要天天称颂你,也要永永远远赞美你的名。
10 genres f90f211700b6afeaafe2f8016ddfad3d     
(文学、艺术等的)类型,体裁,风格( genre的名词复数 )
  • Novel and short story are different genres. 长篇小说和短篇小说是不同的类别。
  • But confusions over the two genres have a long history. 但是类型的混淆,古已有之。 来自汉英文学 - 散文英译
11 emancipation Sjlzb     
  • We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation. 我们必须唤起他们为其自身的解放而斗争。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They rejoiced over their own emancipation. 他们为自己的解放感到欢欣鼓舞。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 genealogy p6Ay4     
  • He had sat and repeated his family's genealogy to her,twenty minutes of nonstop names.他坐下又给她细数了一遍他家族的家谱,20分钟内说出了一连串的名字。
  • He was proficient in all questions of genealogy.他非常精通所有家谱的问题。
13 preoccupied TPBxZ     
adj.全神贯注的,入神的;被抢先占有的;心事重重的v.占据(某人)思想,使对…全神贯注,使专心于( preoccupy的过去式)
  • He was too preoccupied with his own thoughts to notice anything wrong. 他只顾想着心事,没注意到有什么不对。
  • The question of going to the Mount Tai preoccupied his mind. 去游泰山的问题盘踞在他心头。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 evaluations a116c012e4b127eb506b6098697095ab     
估价( evaluation的名词复数 ); 赋值; 估计价值; [医学]诊断
  • In fact, our moral evaluations are merely expressions of our desires. 事实上,我们的道德评价只是我们欲望的表达形式。 来自哲学部分
  • Properly speaking, however, these evaluations and insights are not within the concept of official notice. 但准确地讲,这些评估和深远见识并未包括在官方通知概念里。
15 breakdown cS0yx     
  • She suffered a nervous breakdown.她患神经衰弱。
  • The plane had a breakdown in the air,but it was fortunately removed by the ace pilot.飞机在空中发生了故障,但幸运的是被王牌驾驶员排除了。
16 revered 1d4a411490949024694bf40d95a0d35f     
v.崇敬,尊崇,敬畏( revere的过去式和过去分词 )
  • A number of institutions revered and respected in earlier times have become Aunt Sally for the present generation. 一些早年受到尊崇的惯例,现在已经成了这代人嘲弄的对象了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The Chinese revered corn as a gift from heaven. 中国人将谷物奉为上天的恩赐。 来自辞典例句
17 Nazis 39168f65c976085afe9099ea0411e9a5     
n.(德国的)纳粹党员( Nazi的名词复数 );纳粹主义
  • The Nazis worked them over with gun butts. 纳粹分子用枪托毒打他们。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The Nazis were responsible for the mass murder of Jews during World War Ⅱ. 纳粹必须为第二次世界大战中对犹太人的大屠杀负责。 来自《简明英汉词典》
18 perverted baa3ff388a70c110935f711a8f95f768     
adj.不正当的v.滥用( pervert的过去式和过去分词 );腐蚀;败坏;使堕落
  • Some scientific discoveries have been perverted to create weapons of destruction. 某些科学发明被滥用来生产毁灭性武器。
  • sexual acts, normal and perverted 正常的和变态的性行为
19 motives 6c25d038886898b20441190abe240957     
n.动机,目的( motive的名词复数 )
  • to impeach sb's motives 怀疑某人的动机
  • His motives are unclear. 他的用意不明。
20 underlie AkSwu     
  • Technology improvements underlie these trends.科技进步将成为此发展趋势的基础。
  • Many facts underlie my decision.我的决定是以许多事实为依据的。
21 affected TzUzg0     
  • She showed an affected interest in our subject.她假装对我们的课题感到兴趣。
  • His manners are affected.他的态度不自然。
22 playwrights 96168871b12dbe69e6654e19d58164e8     
n.剧作家( playwright的名词复数 )
  • We're studying dramatic texts by sixteenth century playwrights. 我们正在研究16 世纪戏剧作家的戏剧文本。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Hung-chien asked who the playwrights were. 鸿渐问谁写的剧本。 来自汉英文学 - 围城
23 weird bghw8     
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。