走进哈佛大学 第14期:哈佛模拟联合国
时间:2016-04-11 04:31:49
Harvard Model United Nations (HMUN)is one program of Harvard International Relations Council (HIRC) which is a non-profit organization that promotes awareness1 of International Relations. HIRC is also the largest student organization at Harvard College. It is run entirely2 by undergraduate students, and is an accredited3 Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with the United Nations Department of Public Information. In addition to HMUN, the Council is composed of other programs: Harvard National Model United Nations (HN-MUN), the Harvard International Review (HIR), the Harvard Program in International Education (HPIE), Harvard Intercollegiate Model United Nations (ICMUN), and the Harvard International Relations on Campus (IRoC).
哈佛模拟联合国(HMUN)是哈佛国际关系理事会(HIRC)举办的一个项目。HIRC 是一个非营利性组织,旨在促进对国际关系的认识;它也是哈佛学院最大的学生组织, 完全由本科生管理,是经联合国新闻部认可的一个非政府组织。除了哈佛模拟联合国, 该理事会还包括以下项目:哈佛全美模拟联合国(HNMUN)、哈佛国际评论(HIR)、 国际教育哈佛计划(HPIE)、哈佛大学校际模拟联合国(ICMUN)和哈佛校园国际关系(IRoC)。
走进哈佛大学(MP3+中英字幕) 第3期:美国私立大学
Among these programs, Harvard Model United Nation is the most popular and well-known program world wide. Like HIRC, HMUN is a student-run organization at Harvard College. It is one of the oldest Model United Nations simulations in the world. It was founded in 1953,but its root can trace back to 1927 when Harvard held its first annual Model League of Nations (the
predecessor4 of the United Nations). At present, HMUN mainly simulates four types of committees: the UN General Assembly (GA), the UN Economic and Social Council (EcoSoc),Regional Bodies, and
Specialized5 Agencies (SA).
在所有这些项目中,哈佛模拟联合国是最 流行,也是全球知名度最高的项目。同HIRC 一样,HMUN也是一个由哈佛学院的学生运 作的组织。HMUN是世界上历史最悠久的模 拟联合国之一。它于1953年成立,但其根源 可以追溯到1927年,那一年哈佛举办了第一 届年度模拟国际联盟(联合国的前身)。现在 HMUN主要模拟四种类型的委员会:联合国大 会(GA)、联合国经济社会理事会(EcoSoc)、 联合国区域机构和联合国专门机构(SA)。
Every year, students from around the world attend the conference, which is currently held in Boston, Massachusetts. During the four-day international relations simulation for high school students, student delegates gain insight into the workings of the United Nations and the
dynamics6 of international relations by assuming the roles of UN representatives and members of other international bodies and national cabinets. Students can learn the importance of balancing national interests with the needs of the international community, while also learning about the powers and limitations of international
negotiation7. Delegates must preserve their countries’ national policy while negotiating in the face of other conflicting international policies. Students represent countries or famous individuals,and must work to solve problems through debate and compromise while still promoting the interests and policies of the nation or person they represent. In addition, HMUN offers opportunities for students to participate in the conference as part of the Press
Corps8 or as a representative of an NGO.
每年,世界各地都有学生参加在麻省波士顿喜来登大酒店举办的模拟联合国大会。 在这为期四天、面向高中生的国际关系模拟会上,学生代表通过扮演联合国代表和其 他国际机构和国家部委成员,深入了解联合国的工作和国际关系的多样性。学生可以 学到平衡国家利益和国际社会需求的重要性,同时也可以了解到国际谈判的影响力和 局限性。谈判时,面对相互冲突的国际政策,代表们必须维护本国的政策。学生们代 表了不同国家或知名人士,他们必须在通过辩论和妥协解决问题的同时,促进他们所 代表的国家或人的利益和政策。除此之外,HMUN还为学生提供别的参加机会,学生 可以作为记者团的一员或NGO代表参加大会。
HMUN is an exciting opportunity for students world wide to debate issues that confront world leaders and to draft resolutions in response to、these global issues. They will also develop their abilities to work with others .
HMUN对世界各地的学生来说都是一个令人兴奋的机会,他们可以对世界各国领 导人所面临的问题进行辩论,并提出解决这些全球问题的决议草案,还可以发展与他 人合作的能力。