
走进剑桥大学 第5期:剑河的柔波

时间:2016-04-13 08:12:13



 The gentle waves of River Cam

Cambridge is famous as the home of one of the two oldest English universities, but the city has a long and eventful history of its own. The Roman may be the first to bridge the River Cam in 43 AD. In 875 the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle called it Grantabrycge - one of the earliest known uses of the word 'bridge' in the English Language, suggesting that the town was famous for its bridge.
剑桥以拥有两所英国最古老的大学之一剑桥大学而闻名于世,而这座城市本身就历史悠久、历经沧桑。人们认为,早在公元43年,罗马人就在剑河上筑桥了。公元 875年,盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史把在剑河上筑的桥称之为“格兰特桥”,这是英语语言中最早使用“桥”这一单词的用法,这暗示了这座城市是以桥而闻名的。
In the Middle Ages the River Cam was used for transporting corns as far as King’s Lynn, and stones into the centre of Cambridge. However, by the 17th century the River was badly silted1 up, and it took almost another century before a Parliament Act saw improvements to its condition.
中世纪时期,剑河作为运输通道,可将玉米运至金斯林,将石头运至剑桥中心。 但是到了17世纪,剑河就被淤泥堵塞。差不多过了一个世纪,议会法案的实施才使情况好转。
The surrounding area of the Fens3 cover an area of some 800 square miles and are so low that the highest point is just 50m above sea level, with some parts having dropped below sea level entirely4. As the river makes its way to the North Sea it deposits huge amounts of silt2 over time which accounts for the ever-decreasing nature of the waters,makes of which today is actually reclaimed5 marshland.
This was not always the case, however. Records showed that during the 17th century the waters were plentiful6 here Despite the Romans,attempts at draining the land, the area remained swampland for many generations. From about 1500 until the mid-17th century, high ranking clergy7, members of the aristocracy and even royalty8 would attempt to drain the land, but it was only when the underlying9 peat shrank over time and the levels were gradually seeped10 off into new channels and waterways that the waters moved from being deep lakes into the myriad11 of shallow channels as they are today.
Cambridge itself is steeped in history with an academic heritage dating back to as early as 1209. Some of the first colleges to be founded were built right on the banks of the river. On the riverside the colleges would benefit from the major trade route into the town of Cambridge. The result today is the “Backs”,a one mile stretch of river that supports some of finest examples of architecture in England. Altogether there are 8 colleges and 9 bridges. These include Queens1 College with the Mathematical Bridge, King’s College with its famous chapel12, and the Bridge of Sighs at St. John’s College.



1 silted 208d7171ac6ba45d31ce741d4638137b     
v.(河流等)为淤泥淤塞( silt的过去式和过去分词 );(使)淤塞
  • The riverbed is silted up, so there's no outlet for the floodwater. 河道淤塞,水无出路。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The river is silted up and the water flows sluggishly. 河道淤塞,水流迟滞。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
2 silt tEHyA     
  • The lake was almost solid with silt and vegetation.湖里几乎快被淤泥和植物填满了。
  • During the annual floods the river deposits its silt on the fields.每年河水泛滥时都会在田野上沉积一层淤泥。
3 fens 8c73bc5ee207e1f20857f7b0bfc584ef     
n.(尤指英格兰东部的)沼泽地带( fen的名词复数 )
  • Most of the landscape in the Fens is as flat as a pancake. 菲恩斯的大部分地形都是极平坦的。 来自互联网
  • He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens. 它伏在莲叶之下,卧在芦苇隐密处和水洼子里。 来自互联网
4 entirely entirely     
  • The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty. 那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。
  • His life was entirely given up to the educational work. 他的一生统统献给了教育工作。
5 reclaimed d131e8b354aef51857c9c380c825a4c9     
adj.再生的;翻造的;收复的;回收的v.开拓( reclaim的过去式和过去分词 );要求收回;从废料中回收(有用的材料);挽救
  • Many sufferers have been reclaimed from a dependence on alcohol. 许多嗜酒成癖的受害者已经被挽救过来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They reclaimed him from his evil ways. 他们把他从邪恶中挽救出来。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
6 plentiful r2izH     
  • Their family has a plentiful harvest this year.他们家今年又丰收了。
  • Rainfall is plentiful in the area.这个地区雨量充足。
7 clergy SnZy2     
  • I could heartily wish that more of our country clergy would follow this example.我衷心希望,我国有更多的牧师效法这个榜样。
  • All the local clergy attended the ceremony.当地所有的牧师出席了仪式。
8 royalty iX6xN     
  • She claims to be descended from royalty.她声称她是皇室后裔。
  • I waited on tables,and even catered to royalty at the Royal Albert Hall.我做过服务生, 甚至在皇家阿伯特大厅侍奉过皇室的人。
9 underlying 5fyz8c     
  • The underlying theme of the novel is very serious.小说隐含的主题是十分严肃的。
  • This word has its underlying meaning.这个单词有它潜在的含义。
10 seeped 7b1463dbca7bf67e984ebe1b96df8fef     
v.(液体)渗( seep的过去式和过去分词 );渗透;渗出;漏出
  • The rain seeped through the roof. 雨水透过房顶渗透。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Icy air seeped in through the paper and the room became cold. 寒气透过了糊窗纸。屋里骤然冷起来。 来自汉英文学 - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26)
11 myriad M67zU     
  • They offered no solution for all our myriad problems.对于我们数不清的问题他们束手无策。
  • I had three weeks to make a myriad of arrangements.我花了三个星期做大量准备工作。
12 chapel UXNzg     
  • The nimble hero,skipped into a chapel that stood near.敏捷的英雄跳进近旁的一座小教堂里。
  • She was on the peak that Sunday afternoon when she played in chapel.那个星期天的下午,她在小教堂的演出,可以说是登峰造极。

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