走进耶鲁大学 第1期:耶鲁建校及得名(1)
时间:2016-05-23 01:38:11
Yale University History
Yale University, located in New
Haven1, Connecticut, is a private research university, and a member of the
Ivy2 League. Being the third-oldest institution of higher education in the United States, the university has produced many notable alumni,including five U.S. presidents, nineteen U.S.
Supreme3 Court Justices, the well known star Jodie Foster, and some other famous figures.
耶鲁大学是一所私立大学,坐落在康乃狄格州的纽黑文市,同时是"常春藤联盟" 的一员。作为美国历史上建立的第三所大学,耶鲁大学走出过许多著名校友,其中包括 5位美国总统、9位美国最高法院法官、著名影星朱迪·福斯特,以及其他知名人士。
celebrated4 its 300th anniversary in 2001. However, the roots can be traced back even further. In the 1640s,colonial clergymen had been suggesting the establishment of a college in order to train ministers, preserve the tradition of European liberal education, and lay leadership there in the New World. Finally, on October 9, 1701, An Act for Liberty to
Erect5 a Collegiate School was passed by the General Court of the Colony of Connecticut. Thereafter, a group of ten Congregationalist ministers, each of whom carried his private books, met in the study of Reverend Samuel Russell in Branford, Connecticut, put the altogether 40 books on a desk and made the solemn oath: I donate these books for the establishment of the School. It is said that in this way Yale was built up, and from then on books have played a very important role in Yale culture because they represent the spirit of the school. The group is now called "the Founders",and it is notable that they were all Harvard alumni, which suggests some linksbetween the two oldest universities in the United States.
2001年是耶鲁大学的300周年校庆。然而,它的历史可以追溯得更远。早在17世纪 40年代,殖民地的教士们就建议成立一所学院,用以培训牧师、维持欧洲的自由教育传统,并在新世界建立统治地位。终于,康乃狄格殖民地法院于1701年10月9日通过了《自由建立大学学院法案》。之后,10位基督教公、理会教士在康乃狄格州之(位于纽黑文附近的)布兰佛小镇的塞谬尔·拉塞尔教士的书房中相聚,每个人把带来的共40本藏书放在桌上,并郑重地宣誓:我为大学的创建而献上这些书。据说,耶鲁大学就这样成立 了,从此书籍在耶鲁文化中扮演着至关重要的角色,因其代表了耶鲁的建校精神。这10位教士,现在被公认为耶鲁的创始人。值得注意的是,他们都是来自哈佛的校友, 这也昭示了这两所美国 最古老的大学之间有着千丝万缕的联系。
The institution, called Collegiate School at that time, was first open in the house of its first rector, Abraham Pierson, in Killingworth (now Clinton), then moved to Saybrook, then Wethersfield, and finally in 1718, moved to New Haven, Connecticut.