
走进耶鲁大学 第2期:耶鲁建校及得名(2)

时间:2016-05-23 01:43:59



 At the same time, a rift1 existed at Harvard between its sixth president Increase Mather and the rest of the Harvard clergy2. Mather thought that they were increasingly liberal, and didn't maintain the Puritan religious orthodoxy; what's more, after his resignation, his son as well as colleague Cotton Mather's requests for succeeding the president's position were continuously refused, which made the situation worse, so the Mathers turned to the Collegiate School, intending to maintain religious orthodoxy there. Perhaps under the requirement of either Rector Samuel Andrew or the colony's governor Gurdon Saltonstall, Cotton Mather helped contact Elihu Yale, a successful Welsh merchant as well as a representative of the East India Company in India,for financial help in order to build a new building for the Collegiate School. Yale donated nine bales of goods (sold for more than £560), 417 books, and a portrait of King George Ⅰ. In gratitude3 to Elihu Yale, Cotton Mather suggested that the school change its name to Yale College, also hoping that Yale might give another donation.

与此同时,哈佛大学的第六任校长英克利斯·马瑟与学校神职人员之间出现了分岐。他认为这些神职人员日益呈现自由化倾向,不能维护清教徒的正统宗教思想。另外,马瑟辞职之后,他的儿子兼同事科顿·马瑟继任校长的请求屡遭拒绝,情况变得更加糟糕,马瑟父子遂转而进人大学学院,以期在那里使正统教规得以维持。也许是应了院长塞缪尔·安德鲁或者殖民地长官哥顿萨顿斯德之请,科顿马瑟帮学校与伊莱胡·耶鲁取得了联系,请求他为学校新建一幢建筑提供经济帮助。耶鲁是一位成功的威尔士商人,时任东印度公司在印度的代表。他向学院捐助了9捆货物(出售所得超过560英镑)、417本书,还有一幅英王乔治一世的肖像。为了感谢耶鲁,科顿·马 瑟提议将学院名字变更为耶鲁学院,并希望得到另一笔捐款。
After that, Yale College not only survived the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) intact but also grew rapidly. The 19th and 20th centuries viewed the establishment of the graduate and professional schools which made Yale a true university: The Yale School of Medicine( 1810), the Divinity School (1822), the Law School (1824),the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1847),and which, in 1861,awarded the first Ph.D. in the United States), the schools of Art(1869), Music (1894), Forestry4 & Environmental Studies (1900),Nursing (1923), Drama (1955), Architecture (1972) and Management (1974). In 1887,under the leadership of President Timothy Dwight V,the school was renamed "Yale University,'suggesting a comprehensive university.
之后,耶鲁学院不仅安全地度过了美国革命战争时期( 1775-1783 ),而且迅速 发展壮大。19、20世纪见证了一些研究生院和职业学院的建立,使得耶鲁成长为一 所真正意义上的大学:1810年建立的医学院、1822年的神学院、1824年的法学院、 1847年的艺术和科学研究生院(并于1861年授予了美国历史上的第一个博士学位)以及1869年的艺术学院。之后又开设了音乐学院(1894)、森林和环境学院(1900)、 护理学院(1923 )、戏剧学院(1955 )、建筑学院(1972 )和管理学院(1974)等。 1887年,耶鲁学院在校长蒂莫希·德怀特五世的带领下,更名为耶鲁大学,成为真正意义上的综合性大学。



1 rift bCEzt     
  • He was anxious to mend the rift between the two men.他急于弥合这两个人之间的裂痕。
  • The sun appeared through a rift in the clouds.太阳从云层间隙中冒出来。
2 clergy SnZy2     
  • I could heartily wish that more of our country clergy would follow this example.我衷心希望,我国有更多的牧师效法这个榜样。
  • All the local clergy attended the ceremony.当地所有的牧师出席了仪式。
3 gratitude p6wyS     
  • I have expressed the depth of my gratitude to him.我向他表示了深切的谢意。
  • She could not help her tears of gratitude rolling down her face.她感激的泪珠禁不住沿着面颊流了下来。
4 forestry 8iBxk     
  • At present, the Chinese forestry is being at a significant transforming period. 当前, 我国的林业正处于一个重大的转折时期。
  • Anhua is one of the key forestry counties in Hunan province. 安化县是湖南省重点林区县之一。

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