走进耶鲁大学 第19期:骷髅会(2)
时间:2016-05-31 07:38:44
Over the years, Bones has included presidents, cabinet officers, spies, Supreme1 Court justices, captains of industry, and often their sons and lately their daughters, a social and political network like no other.
这些年来, 骷髅会的成员包括总统、内阁成员、间谍、最高法院法官、商界精英,以及他们的子女。 这样一个社会政治关系网是别的团体无法与之相比的。
emblem2 of
Skull3 and Bones is a skull with crossed bones, over the number "322". One legend is that 322 stands for "founded in '32, 2nd
corps4",referring to a first Corps in an unknown German university. Others suggest that 322 refers to the death of Demosthenes.
骷髅会的会标是一个人类头盖骨和两节肢骨,上面撰写着阿拉伯数字"322"。一个传说是"32"表示成立于1832年,后面的"2"表示德国骷髅会的第二部分。 另外一种说法是"322"代表着德伯斯梯尼死亡的时间。
During the senior year each Skull and Bones class meets every Thursday and Sunday night. The goal of the activities is to develop deep friendship and connections with your fellow members and to explore ideas that allow for personal and collective growth. There are innumerable human
skulls5 and bones in the,tomb which of course is illegal under Connecticut law. Bones members are reported to be forced to reveal their innermost secrets and their "sexual biography" to one another. It has been suggested that this may be used for
Members are assigned nicknames . "Long Devil" is assigned to the tallest member. Many of the chosen names are
drawn7 from literature ("Hamlet"),from religion and from myth. George H. W. Bush was "Magog," a name reserved for a member considered to have the most sexual experience. George W. Bush, unable to decide, was temporarily called "Temporary",and the name was never changed.
会员都有自己的绰号。例如,个子最高的会员被叫做"长魔",很多的绰号都是从文学作品(如哈姆雷特)、宗教或神话中得来的。老布什的绰号是"梅格戈"。据称, 最会跟异性打交道的人才能获得这个绰号。至于小布什,他当时无法决定叫什么绰号, 于是人们就称他为"临时"。这个称号就一直保留了下来。
Skull and Bones' place in popular culture is significant, since, although it is a "secret society",it is probably the best known college secret society in America, as can be seen from the
recurring8 references to it in all kinds of media.