走进耶鲁大学 第23期:院长茶会(1)
时间:2016-06-02 09:01:00
Master's Tea
Each of the 12
residential1 colleges has a Master in residence, who is usually a senior
faculty2 member. The Master lives in the college with his/her family, and has meals with students in the dining hall. Working closely with the Dean and Resident Fellows, the Master is responsible for the physical safety and
well-being3 of the college's students. As the chief administration officer of the residential college, the Master addresses student requests and suggestions, acts as an arbitrator,and is available to counsel and
mentor4 students. In addition, the Master also
oversees5 much of the college's social life, such as holding Master's teas, study breaks, Fellows,Dinners, and other activities. In this way, college members are brought together as a community; through
participation6 in college activities, and through conversations in the dining hall and at other social occasions, members live like a big family, students create the intellectual and cultural atmosphere that is the foundation of college life.
耶鲁的12所住宿学院均有一位驻院的院长,通常是资历较深的教员。院长携其家属住在学院里,与学生一样在食堂就餐。院长主要负责学生的人身安全与身体健康问题,与学监和常驻教员密切合作。作为住宿学院的首席行政官,院长需要给学生提出要求和意见,充当协调者,并且要能成为学生的良师益友,给予学生一定的指导。此外,院长还负责学院里的社会活动,比如举行院长茶会、娱乐活动、聚餐等。这样, 学生们生活在同一个集体中,通过参加学院的活动、就餐或其他社会场合的交流,就像一个大家庭一样,进而形成一种学习和文化氛围,这种氛围是学院生活的基础。
Master's teas are periodic afternoon "teas" held by Masters. You may watch famous politicians, writers or movie stars on television, but you probably never have the chance to meet and interact with such prominent figures. When you arrive at Yale, however, you never know whom you might get to see live and in person at a Master's tea.
院长茶会是由院长们举办的阶段性的下午茶会。你可能会在电视上看到著名的政治家、作家或是影星,却未必有机会与这些杰出人物见面或是交流。不过,来到耶鲁, 说不定就会在某场院长茶会上亲眼看到某位大人物。
The Master invites guests of national and international
renown7 to speak to college students at Master's teas which would be held throughout the year. It is usually an informal interview which provides a more intimate opportunity for students to talk with guests on a wide variety of topics, just like friends.