走进耶鲁大学 第26期:橄榄球赛
时间:2016-06-13 02:50:03
The Game
The Game is a title given to several U.S. college
rivalry1 games, but particularly the annual contest between the Harvard University "
Crimson2" and the Yale University "Bull-dogs." Up to 2009, the Harvard University "Crimson" and the Yale University "Bulldogs' had met 126 times since 1875,when American football was evolving from rugby. The Game is held yearly in November at the end of the football season and the
venue3 alternates between the Harvard Stadium and the Yale Bowl
橄榄球比赛是指美国高校间的对抗赛,尤其是指一年一度的哈佛"红队"和耶鲁 "蓝队"之间的比赛。到2009为止,哈佛和耶鲁已经对决了 126次,最早的一次是在 1875年,那时,橄榄球正逐步演变为美式足球。橄榄球比赛每年举行一次,通常在足球赛季末尾的11月,比赛场地在耶鲁和哈佛的体育馆之间轮换选择。
The Game is the third-most-played college football rivalry, after The Rivalry between Lehigh-Lafayette and the Princeton-Yale game. In 2003, the rivalry was rated the sixth-best in college
athletics4 by Sports
耶鲁一哈佛橄榄球对抗赛是第三大高校对抗赛,仅次于利哈伊一拉法叶大学对决赛和普林斯顿--耶鲁对决赛。2003年,耶鲁与哈佛的橄榄球比赛在《体育画报》 高校竞技评选中排名第六。
The first meeting of the two teams occurred on November 13,1875 at Hamilton Field in New
Haven6. The Game was played under rules resembling
modem7 rugby and was particularly
brutal8. For many students and alumni of Harvard and Yale, The Game is an important event. The schools are located only a few hours' travel from one another; and, perhaps because they are generally regarded as among the nation's most
prestigious9 (as well as being two of the three oldest), the rivalry is intense. Beating the rival is often considered more important than the team's season record. The Game is significant for historical reasons. The schools that would become the
Ivy10 League played a large part in the development of American football in the late 19th century. They wanted to keep this tradition, so the Game was held to determine the Ivy League championship, although recently it has been rare to find both schools enjoying a strong season
simultaneously11. The Game receives
relatively12 little national attention today; most football fans are more interested in games between larger institutions whose teams are made up of scholarship athletes, many of whom bound for professional careers.
两支球队的第一次对决发生在1875年11月13日,比赛地点位于纽黑文市的汉密尔顿场地。当时的比赛是按照类似于现代橄榄球的规则举行的,场面极为壮观。对于耶鲁和哈佛的在校生和校友来说,橄揽球比赛是一件大事。两座大学相距仅几小时的车程; 可能是由于两座大学都赫赫有名的缘故,它们之间的竞争就显得格外激烈。能否击败对方甚至比赛季总得分还要重要。这项比赛之所以如此重要,还有历史原因。 那些后来成为常春藤联盟成员的学校对19世纪晚期美国足球的发展做出了重要的贡献。它们想要保持这一传统便形成了每年举办橄榄球赛的传统。尽管最近很难看到两座大学同时在一个赛季中表现突出,但橄榄球比赛同样决定了他们在常青藤联盟中的地位。如今,橄榄球比赛不像以往那样吸引人的注意力了,大多数足球迷对大型组织举办的比赛感兴趣。他们的球队一般由奖学金运动员组成,球员也大多希望成为职业 运动员。
Since 1873, the Game has been hold for 126 times which has also been a tradition for both universities. It has provided a good chance for the alumni to get together to cheer for their alma mater. They can also make full use of this opportunity to have a
hearty13 chatting with their friends thus adding colors to their dull life. Meanwhile, the university spares no time to raise more money from some successful
celebrities14. For the students on campus, it is a large scale and gorgeous
Carnival15 which everybody long to participate in.
从1873年开始,橄榄球比赛已经举行了126次,并且成为两校共有的一种传统。 校友们借此机会回到母校,既为自己的球队加油,又可以和朋友会心交谈,为平淡的生活增加乐趣。与此同时,校方也决不会放弃这样一个校友们募捐的好机会。而对在校学生来说,这就是一场规模巨大、每个人都在期待的狂欢盛宴。
In the Game, they played American football. One should run with the ball in hand just like what you can see in Forrest Gump. Otherwise, he will be pulled down by others. Before the game starts, there is a warming-up show by the cheering
squad16. In a while, the
mascots17 turn up with funny performances. The appearance of the team members will roll up a tide of cheers. The members who are going to retire from the very season will be asked to stand in the middle of the playground to hug their parents and say goodbye to friends. Everybody at present will be touched by this scene. However,when the players show up, there comes a murderous wind.
比赛中,队员们打的是美式足球,就是《阿甘正传》里面的那种,抱到橄榄球后, 球员要疯狂往前跑,不然就会被人扑倒。球赛开始前,乐队跟啦啦队出来暖场;随后, 双方的吉祥物会带来滑稽的表演。球员出场时更是会掀起一阵欢呼声:当年将要退休 的球员会被一一唱名,站到场地中间与父母拥抱,并向队友们道别;在场的所有人都会为之动容。不过,球员一出场,大家的杀气就来了。