时间:2016-07-05 04:33:41
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships. Use specific details and examples to support your opinion. 朋友之间的竞争对于友谊有消极影响,是否认同?(2016年7月2日)
【头脑风暴】 江湖中,一个高手打遍天下无敌手的时候,也就是他的武功即将废掉的时候。竞争对手亦可为友,因为彼此的敬重和欣赏。
【写作立场】 朋友之间的竞争有助于增进友谊,维持友情。
友谊是建立在互相尊敬和欣赏的基础之上的,所谓英雄相惜,因此,只有通过竞争, 我们才能发现朋友的优点,进而产生一种敬意。和优秀的人在一起也是人的一种本能。所以,竞争有助于增进友谊。
这个争议是我想起一个体育故事,NBA 球星James 和 Paul 是一对好友,他们在比赛中互不相让,为了各自的团队荣誉而战,但是,在生活中他们是好友,甚至亲人,他们因为彼此欣赏,互相帮助, 他们的友谊并没有因为竞争而淡化。
1.Sincere friendship is what every individual
aspires1 after. 真诚的友谊是人人渴求的。
2.However, people differ greatly in their views as to whether or not true friendship can withstand the test of competition. 然而,关于是否真正的友谊是否可以经受住竞争的考验,人们的观点各异。
3.As I see it,competition can be a promoter of friendship rather than a barrier for interpersonal relationship. 我认为,竞争可以促进友谊,而不是人际关系的阻碍。
4.As a proverb goes, excellent people usually appreciate each other. Hence, true friendship should be based on
mutual2 respect and
appreciation3. 友谊是建立在互相尊敬和欣赏的基础之上的,所谓英雄相惜。
5.Only by means of competing with friends, can we find the personal strength of our friends, naturally, respect grows. After all, such is human nature to stick with
elite4 people. 只有通过竞争, 我们才能发现朋友的优点,进而产生一种敬意,因为和优秀的人在一起也是人的一种本能。
6.This debate reminds me of a story. 这个争议是我想起来一个体育故事。
7.James and Paul are
noted5 for their basketball talents and skills on the NBA court, during the basketball game, they compete with each other fiercely for the honor of respective team. However, competition never
alienate6 their friendship, they are close friends in real life for the simple reason that they appreciate each other. 球星James 和 Paul 是一对好朋友,他们在比赛中互不相让,为了各自的团队荣誉而战,但是,在生活中他们是好友,他们因为彼此欣赏,才结为朋友,友谊没有因为竞争而淡化。
8.One's reaction in time of hardship or crisis, in the eyes of the vast majority of people, will be one of the most crucial
criteria7 to evaluate friendship. 衡量友谊的一个很重要的标准就是朋友在患难或者危机时刻的表现。
9.From our life, we can find plenty of evidence to prove that many people are just good playmates, however, it is extremely hard for them to maintain friendship if personal interests are involved, especially when a person
intentionally8 sell friends out. In this case, competition might make two people go from being best friends to bitter rivals. 生活中例证很多,很多人是玩耍的好伙伴,但是,一旦遇到竞争,尤其是涉及到个人利益的竞争,如果一方为自我的私利而做出有损于友谊的事情,这时,友谊很难维持。
10.What I want to
rebut9, however, is that those who do things for personal profit at another's expense in the hot competition are never trustworthy friends. 但是,我想反驳的是:为了个人的利益就可以在竞争中卖友求荣,损人利己的人,不值得结交。