

时间:2016-08-04 04:44:09



  Recent news that the top broadcasting watchdog issued new guidelines restricting the making of six genres1 of TV serials2 was denied by a senior official from the watchdog group.
  Guidelines restricting the making of six genres of TV serials就是指“六类电视剧拍摄的限制性意见”,简称为TV serials restrictions(电视剧限令)。之前报道所说的限令包括:revolution-themed TV series clearly distinguish between friend and foe(革命历史题材剧要敌我分明)、serials in a modern setting cut down excessive displays of family conflicts(现代剧不能无限制放大家庭矛盾)、serials adapted from online novels are  "not encouraged"(不提倡网络小说改编)、remakes of foreign serials and serials based on online games are banned(境外克隆剧和网游改编剧均被禁止),serials featuring business competition should show appropriate value orientation(商战剧要注意价值导向)等。
  广电总局电视剧司副司长王卫平对此予以否认,并称广电总局的建议是to control quantity and improve quality(调控数量,提升质量)。
  此前,广电总局曾发布cutback on TV entertainment(限娱令)和TV commercials ban(限广令),对各电视台播放娱乐节目和商业广告的时间和数量做出限制性规定。



1 genres f90f211700b6afeaafe2f8016ddfad3d     
(文学、艺术等的)类型,体裁,风格( genre的名词复数 )
  • Novel and short story are different genres. 长篇小说和短篇小说是不同的类别。
  • But confusions over the two genres have a long history. 但是类型的混淆,古已有之。 来自汉英文学 - 散文英译
2 serials 0c7844fe8b2c48d0c7c3f4a174ec741a     
n.连载小说,电视连续剧( serial的名词复数 )
  • The computer can alter the serials librarian and produce a bindery notice. 计算机可提醒管理连续出版物的馆员,并制作装订通知。 来自辞典例句
  • I realized I have started to like a few of their serials. 我意识到我已开始喜欢上了不少他们的连续剧。 来自互联网