biochemistry is a very specific area of chemical science which, studies the interactions of biological systems with chemical
components3, and which also determines, which chemical components and, how interacts with the human body and with all the biological chem- systems in general. first of all, the purpose of biochemistry is to find out which chemicals in particular and, how interact with particular systems in_ inside the human body and how they effect its functions. another area of biochemistry is the, the, is the determination of the way to effect functions of the, of the body. and in particular we can, we can say that biochemistry is the whole foundation of the
pharmaceutical4 industry because, all the drugs that we have on the market are
derived5 as chemical components. and the purpose of biochemistry is to determine, whether some,
component2 is going to be active or not. and is it going to be, efficient or not, and if it's, if it's going to affect some biological functions or not. therefore biochemistry right now is very rapidly developing area. because there is a high demand, for efficient and quickly,
acting6 chemicals and quickly acting drugs. we can see that there is a lot of viruses and a lot of... diseases which are being_ which are developed at this particular time. and therefore there is a high demand for new efficient agents. and one area of biochemistry which is of a particular interest is computer based analysis of chemical components, and computer based design of drug, agents. it has been proven that computer based design could be particularly efficient for the design of, of anti-viral components. and, at this point there is a lot of research going on, in particular in the United States, that promised, that, there will be, many, chemical compounds discovered in the nearest future. because this approach, has very high potential for this kind of application.