【一起闲话英语】网络安全—Online safety
时间:2016-08-29 07:43:11
Charlie: Mum! That’s my computer!
Mum: I know, I know. Don’t worry, I’m changing your privacy settings.
Charlie: Privacy settings?
Mum: Yes. There are privacy settings on your social networking sites. Your account is totally public at the moment, and you’re logged in!
Charlie: Oh. What are the privacy settings for?
Mum: To make you safe online. You want to be safe, don’t you? And for the right people to see your information, not EVERYONE.
Charlie: Everyone?
Mum: Yes. If you don’t change your privacy settings, when you upload a photo, anyone can see it. It’s important to change them so only your friends can see them. You don’t want everyone to see everything, do you?
Charlie: No! But I can delete things, can’t I?
Mum: Well, you can, but it’s very difficult. Some things stay there forever.
Charlie: That’s really scary, Mum.
Mum: Don’t worry, but you must learn how to stay safe. You mustn’t tell anyone your password!
Charlie: I won’t!
Mum: Crazy Charlie one two one, isn’t it?
Charlie: Mum! Yes, it is. How …
Mum: It’s on your notebook. Right there. On your desk. It isn’t a very secret place, is it?
Charlie: No, it isn’t.