时间:2016-12-05 04:25:19
In simple terms, snackable content is an easy concept to grasp— it is described as bite-sized chunks1 of info that can be quickly"consumed" by its audience.
简单来说,快餐式内容(snackable content)就是容易掌握的简单的概念,这种内容所包含的信息就像一口就能吃掉的食物,很快就能被观众“解决掉”。
It drives trial — and, as a parallel, engagement. It's easy tonibble and try without feeling that it's too much effort or the impact will be too negative.
And while such content is designed to be consumed quickly, that doesn't necessarily mean theaudience are not creditted with more in-depth understanding.
So "snackable content" is short-form data — be it text, imagery or video — that consumers canquickly engage with, possibly on-the-go, possibly on a smaller screen, that will hopefully leavethem hungry for more, similar content in the future.