
美国国家公共电台 NPR Let's Turn It On

时间:2016-12-26 05:55:45



Let's Turn It On

play pause stop mute unmute max volume 00:0008:36repeat repeat off Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser1 to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. OPHIRA EISENBERG, HOST: 

Let's meet our next two contestants2. First up, Tarik Koc. You are a computer programmer. Supposedly, you ran a language teaching site from a computer in your closet.

TARIK KOC: Yeah, that's true.

EISENBERG: Yeah, that doesn't sound weird3 at all. Is it the same server Hillary Clinton used for her emails?

KOC: I guess the same idea, yeah.

EISENBERG: Same idea, OK.




COULTON: ...In that it was a server.

KOC: Yeah, it was a server in a closet, yeah.

COULTON: Yeah, same kind of thing. Same general idea.

EISENBERG: What was this language teaching site? What do you mean by that?

KOC: Originally, it was flashcards to help me learn Turkish.


KOC: I was trying to learn Turkish.


KOC: I built it for that. And then I eventually made it for other languages, too. I was just like, well, why don't I just make a website of this and see if people use it other places?

EISENBERG: And did people use it?

KOC: They did, yeah. I could see people in different countries using it.

EISENBERG: Sounds fun.


EISENBERG: Your opponent is Colleen Celsor. Now, you design children's clothing for a kids' clothing subscription4 startup.


EISENBERG: Here's a weird fact about you. You've noted5 that your body is impervious6 to the amount of cheese you eat.


CELSOR: Yeah, (laughter) that's true. I'm pretty gross.


CELSOR: One day, I ate an entire block of cheese in less than 24 hours. And the next day, I ate an egg and cheese sandwich. And I got a piece of cheese stuck to my shirt. And I had to walk around all day with, like, a badge of cheese shame.


CELSOR: Yeah, my friends have also caught me, like, on the subway late at night with, like, a block of cheese in my purse.


CELSOR: I really like cheese.

EISENBERG: I just want to point out these are the things you tell us.


COULTON: Colleen, what's your go-to subway cheese?


CELSOR: A sharp cheddar.


COULTON: A sharp cheddar, yeah. You can't really go wrong with a sharp cheddar.

EISENBERG: Yeah, no.

COULTON: In public? No, always a sharp cheddar.

CELSOR: A hard cheese survives the warm commute7.

COULTON: You don't want a brie in your purse.

CELSOR: No, that would get funky8.

EISENBERG: You don't do a brie on a D train? That's not your kind of thing?

COULTON: Oh, a D train? Sure.

EISENBERG: Yeah, a D train.


EISENBERG: All right, remember, Tarik and Colleen, the first of you who wins two of our games will move onto our final round at the end of the show. Let's go to your first game. Tarik, what is something you would like to invent, as an inventor yourself?

KOC: Well, actually, I used to be a patent examiner.

EISENBERG: You have a lot of talent.


KOC: And I remember we saw a patent for - it was, like, a resurrection burial tomb.



KOC: And it was, like, at the South Pole so it would really need cooling and all that. So I think if I could actually invent that thing, that would be a pretty cool thing to invent.

EISENBERG: Just for those of us that might not be familiar with a resurrection burial tomb, what is that exactly?

KOC: Well, according to the illustrations on the application, you know, a lot of skeletons involved and a nuclear reactor9 and, you know.


EISENBERG: But what does it do?

KOC: I guess it resurrects you if you...


COULTON: It sounds like a great idea.

KOC: I thought so too.

EISENBERG: Colleen, what is something you would like to invent?

CELSOR: Mine's not as Halloweeny (ph).



EISENBERG: That's the nicest way to say that.

CELSOR: I think if I could invent packing tape that didn't make the awful packing tape sound.

EISENBERG: Oh, yeah, right. That, like, screeching10, final - like the kind of thing you would put on your resurrection tomb, right - to make sure it's shut. All right, we have a very sexy musical parody11 game for you. It's set to the tune12 of "Let's Get It On." So Jonathan Coulton, get it on.

COULTON: Yeah, I'd love to get it on. Thank you.


COULTON: This game is called Let's Turn It On. I'll be singing about famous people who invented or discovered something. So buzz in to identify the person that I'm singing about. You don't need to name the invention. The winner will be one step closer to moving onto the final round at the end of the show. You ready? OK, here we go. (Singing) I've been really trying, baby. Trying to send you this message for so long. And if you hear dots and dashes, come on, tap my key. Let's turn it on.



KOC: Morse?

COULTON: Samuel Morse, that's correct - inventor of the telegraph.



COULTON: (Singing) It's just carbonized cotton. With such light to give, lots of watts13 there, sugar. Since I made this thing, we can see after dark now.



KOC: Glow in the dark? I don't know.

COULTON: There's no one named glow in the dark that I know of.


KOC: I know.

COULTON: It's an excellent guess, though. Colleen, do you know the answer?

CELSOR: Night vision man?


COULTON: That's correct, night vision man, inventor of night vision. We were looking for Thomas Edison.

CELSOR: Oh, light bulb, yeah.

COULTON: You jumped a few inventions ahead of what we were looking for. (Singing) There's nothing wrong with me showing you, baby, no, no, how to burn your CDs and keep all your songs in your iTunes queue. Oh, baby.


COULTON: Colleen.

CELSOR: Steve Jobs?

COULTON: You got it, Steve Jobs.



COULTON: (Singing) I ain't going to write it. I'm just going to press, going to print a Bible - add them, switch them, move my letters, move them all night long. Hey, let's turn it on.


COULTON: Colleen.

CELSOR: Sie (ph) Gutenburg.

COULTON: (Laughter) Wait; wait; wait; wait.

EISENBERG: Did you just...


COULTON: Did you say Steve Guttenberg?

CELSOR: I said Gutenberg.


CELSOR: I said with a German accent.

COULTON: Colleen, you know we're recording14 this, right? We can easily find out what you said. Yes, Gutenburg is correct...


COULTON: ...Johannes Gutenberg.

EISENBERG: No, no, no, his friends called him Steve.

COULTON: Steve - Steve for short.


COULTON: (Singing) You know it's elementary. Come on, Pierre, get the radioactivity out. You want me to explode. Let's turn it on.


KOC: Curie.

COULTON: Curie - that's right, Marie Curie...


COULTON: ...Discoverer of radium and polonium.

EISENBERG: And then in a weird, dark story - right? - she died because of exposure to radiation...

COULTON: Radiation poisoning.

EISENBERG: ...And sexism.



COULTON: This is your last clue. (Singing) If a boulder15 blocks you, I can move it. It's going to come down with Nitroglycerin. To give us all good feelings, I'm going to sponsor some prizes, give them out in Stockholm.



KOC: Nobel.

COULTON: Alfred Nobel - that's right, inventor of dynamite16.


COULTON: Art Chung, how did our contestants do?

ART CHUNG: It was a close game, but Tarik, you're one step closer to moving on to the final round.




1 browser gx7z2M     
  • View edits in a web browser.在浏览器中看编辑的效果。
  • I think my browser has a list of shareware links.我想在浏览器中会有一系列的共享软件链接。
2 contestants 6183e6ae4586949fe63bec42c8d3a422     
n.竞争者,参赛者( contestant的名词复数 )
  • The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries. 这次比赛吸引了代表8个不同国家的500多名参赛者。
  • Two candidates are emerging as contestants for the presidency. 两位候选人最终成为总统职位竞争者。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 weird bghw8     
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
4 subscription qH8zt     
  • We paid a subscription of 5 pounds yearly.我们按年度缴纳5英镑的订阅费。
  • Subscription selling bloomed splendidly.订阅销售量激增。
5 noted 5n4zXc     
  • The local hotel is noted for its good table.当地的那家酒店以餐食精美而著称。
  • Jim is noted for arriving late for work.吉姆上班迟到出了名。
6 impervious 2ynyU     
  • He was completely impervious to criticism.他对批评毫不在乎。
  • This material is impervious to gases and liquids.气体和液体都透不过这种物质。
7 commute BXTyi     
  • I spend much less time on my commute to work now.我现在工作的往返时间要节省好多。
  • Most office workers commute from the suburbs.很多公司的职员都是从郊外来上班的。
8 funky 1fjzc     
  • The kitchen smelled really funky.这个厨房有一股霉味。
  • It is a funky restaurant with very interesting art on the walls.那是一家墙上挂着很有意思的绘画的新潮餐馆。
9 reactor jTnxL     
  • The atomic reactor generates enormous amounts of thermal energy.原子反应堆发出大量的热能。
  • Inside the reactor the large molecules are cracked into smaller molecules.在反应堆里,大分子裂变为小分子。
10 screeching 8bf34b298a2d512e9b6787a29dc6c5f0     
v.发出尖叫声( screech的现在分词 );发出粗而刺耳的声音;高叫
  • Monkeys were screeching in the trees. 猴子在树上吱吱地叫着。
  • the unedifying sight of the two party leaders screeching at each other 两党党魁狺狺对吠的讨厌情景
11 parody N46zV     
  • The parody was just a form of teasing.那个拙劣的模仿只是一种揶揄。
  • North Korea looks like a grotesque parody of Mao's centrally controlled China,precisely the sort of system that Beijing has left behind.朝鲜看上去像是毛时代中央集权的中国的怪诞模仿,其体制恰恰是北京方面已经抛弃的。
12 tune NmnwW     
  • He'd written a tune,and played it to us on the piano.他写了一段曲子,并在钢琴上弹给我们听。
  • The boy beat out a tune on a tin can.那男孩在易拉罐上敲出一首曲子。
13 watts c70bc928c4d08ffb18fc491f215d238a     
(电力计量单位)瓦,瓦特( watt的名词复数 )
  • My lamp uses 60 watts; my toaster uses 600 watts. 我的灯用60瓦,我的烤面包器用600瓦。
  • My lamp uses 40 watts. 我的灯40瓦。
14 recording UktzJj     
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
15 boulder BNbzS     
  • We all heaved together and removed the boulder.大家一齐用劲,把大石头搬开了。
  • He stepped clear of the boulder.他从大石头后面走了出来。
16 dynamite rrPxB     
  • The workmen detonated the dynamite.工人们把炸药引爆了。
  • The philosopher was still political dynamite.那位哲学家仍旧是政治上的爆炸性人物。

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