
美国国家公共电台 NPR 2016 Book Recommendations, Tailored For Your Gifting Needs

时间:2017-01-04 05:32:30





If you are still looking for gifts for your family and friends, how about a book? Remember those? I have asked WEEKEND EDITION books editor Barrie Hardymon to think about her favorite books from the past year that will make great gifts for everyone on my list. Hey, Barrie.


CHANG: OK, so I first need to find a book for my boyfriend, Walt.

HARDYMON: Yeah, you do.

CHANG: He has been in the Marines for 27 years now. He loves nonfiction or fiction based on history.


CHANG: I don't really know what's out there. He loves military history is what I'm trying to say.


CHANG: But I have no idea what's out there. And he doesn't want anything too academic.

HARDYMON: OK, I got you. I got you. Luckily, I, too, live with a military dude or a very, very former military dude.

CHANG: Yeah.

HARDYMON: So I occasionally try to read things that he would like so that he'll read "Wolf Hall." And, you know, it's like that thing where you're like, I'll watch "The Pacific" if you watch "The Crown."

CHANG: (Laughter) Let's take turns.

HARDYMON: But in any case, so here's the one I would recommend. There's a 2016 memoir2 called "Pumpkinflowers." It's by Matti Friedman. Matti Friedman is an Israeli-Canadian citizen who, when he was serving in the Israeli army, was assigned to an outpost on the border between Lebanon and Israel. So this was about the time - this is between 1994 and 2000. And it was - this group of soldiers was meant to secure the border from Hezbollah attacks. So that's all the...


HARDYMON: ...Sort of political stuff, which I know I maybe didn't make it sound that interesting. But here's the thing. What appealed to me as a books editor and not a news editor is that the prose is gorgeous. It has this kind of Denis Johnson feel to it, and it's a really - these wonderful portraits of the soldiers that he served with and just the utter ambiguity3 and disorienting nature of this kind of conflict. So it really gives you this feeling of what it's like to be a soldier under really difficult circumstances.

CHANG: So I also have a friend who has a 5-year-old daughter. This girl loves books. She loves trying to read, pretending to read. And she loves being read to. What's a good gift for her?

HARDYMON: OK, so this is perfect 'cause I happen to have a 5-year-old boy.


HARDYMON: And, you know, it's hard to read, sometimes, picture books to kids because, you know, you zone out and there actually maybe isn't, like, a great - a lot of great characterization. This book, which I'm about to recommend, which is called "Don't Call Me Grandma," it's by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson and illustrated4 - gorgeously illustrated - by Elizabeth Zunon. This is a - has a real rarity, which is a fully-realized character that is a great-grandmother. The grandma of the title is Great-Grandmother Nell. She is 96 years old.


HARDYMON: This is an African-American family. She wears pearls every day, she doesn't hug and she eats fish for breakfast.

CHANG: She doesn't hug?

HARDYMON: She doesn't hug. And she sips5 out of a - we don't know what she's drinking either, which is kind of...

CHANG: Oh, very mysterious.

HARDYMON: ...Actually kind of wonderful. She's prickly and she's sometimes scary to the great-granddaughter, but she's also really fascinated by her. And what's great is this interplay between the illustrations and the prose. So there's these kind of mixed media. When you look at the things in her room, you can see some sort of civil rights-era memorabilia, a ticket to Alvin Ailey.

So you have to sort of put together, what was Nell's life? What made her into this difficult person? And it also - I mean, I think it's really important, even with 5-year-olds, to say, you know, grown-ups are complicated, just like kids.

CHANG: Yeah.

HARDYMON: And, you know, there is a pleasure in loving difficult people. I mean, I hope so. I keep telling my son that.

CHANG: We're all complicated.

HARDYMON: Yeah, we sure are.

CHANG: I mean, I'm complicated. So let's talk about me. I think I deserve a gift from myself. So you know me pretty well, what stuff I like to read. And I don't know what this says about me, but I really gravitate towards stories about women going through really, really hard stuff. Like, I want to hear about a woman confronting her demons6, her fears...


CHANG: ...Finding out some truth about herself. What would you recommend to me?

HARDYMON: So this was a beautifully reviewed book this year, but I don't know that it would be a thing that would end up under the tree, so this is why I really want to recommend it highly. It's called "The Mothers." It's by Brit Bennett. It follows three teenagers, two young women, just like you wanted, over a decade, and they're growing up in a black Southern Californian community. The protagonist7 loses her mother to suicide and then - which is one catalyst8 - and then there's another catalyst that I don't want to give away that creates a secret for the rest of these teenagers.

Now, this is a literary novel, so there - it does turn on this one secret. But it's also - there is also this amazing sort of community around these protagonists9. And it's very much about mothers and motherlessness. And there's this - the mothers of the title are this kind of Greek chorus, the sort of elderly women of the church community. What I love about this book is it sort of - it really moves along. It has a wonderful pace. And it makes you feel like you're moving through the story, but you're actually moving deeper into it. It is so beautifully written. It is - it will make you think. So I would highly recommend this one.

CHANG: Yeah, I can't wait to read it. That sounds awesome10.

HARDYMON: Good. I got one at my desk for you.

CHANG: WEEKEND EDITION's books editor, Barrie Hardymon. Thank you.

HARDYMON: You are so welcome.

CHANG: You can find more of Barrie's reading recommendations plus hundreds of other titles recommended by NPR staff and critics at the Book Concierge11. That's at



1 byline sSXyQ     
  • His byline was absent as well.他的署名也不见了。
  • We wish to thank the author of this article which carries no byline.我们要感谢这篇文章的那位没有署名的作者。
2 memoir O7Hz7     
  • He has just published a memoir in honour of his captain.他刚刚出了一本传记来纪念他的队长。
  • In her memoir,the actress wrote about the bittersweet memories of her first love.在那个女演员的自传中,她写到了自己苦乐掺半的初恋。
3 ambiguity 9xWzT     
  • The telegram was misunderstood because of its ambiguity.由于电文意义不明确而造成了误解。
  • Her answer was above all ambiguity.她的回答毫不含糊。
4 illustrated 2a891807ad5907f0499171bb879a36aa     
adj. 有插图的,列举的 动词illustrate的过去式和过去分词
  • His lecture was illustrated with slides taken during the expedition. 他在讲演中使用了探险时拍摄到的幻灯片。
  • The manufacturing Methods: Will be illustrated in the next chapter. 制作方法将在下一章说明。
5 sips 17376ee985672e924e683c143c5a5756     
n.小口喝,一小口的量( sip的名词复数 )v.小口喝,呷,抿( sip的第三人称单数 )
  • You must administer them slowly, allowing the child to swallow between sips. 你应慢慢给药,使小儿在吸吮之间有充分的时间吞咽。 来自辞典例句
  • Emission standards applicable to preexisting stationary sources appear in state implementation plans (SIPs). 在《州实施计划》中出现了固定污染的排放标准。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
6 demons 8f23f80251f9c0b6518bce3312ca1a61     
n.恶人( demon的名词复数 );恶魔;精力过人的人;邪念
  • demons torturing the sinners in Hell 地狱里折磨罪人的魔鬼
  • He is plagued by demons which go back to his traumatic childhood. 他为心魔所困扰,那可追溯至他饱受创伤的童年。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 protagonist mBVyN     
  • The protagonist reforms in the end and avoids his proper punishment.戏剧主角最后改过自新并避免了他应受的惩罚。
  • He is the model for the protagonist in the play.剧本中的主人公就是以他为模特儿创作的!
8 catalyst vOVzu     
  • A catalyst is a substance which speeds up a chemical reaction.催化剂是一种能加速化学反应的物质。
  • The workers'demand for better conditions was a catalyst for social change.工人们要求改善工作条件促进了社会变革。
9 protagonists 97ecb64549899e35afb8e0bac92230bc     
n.(戏剧的)主角( protagonist的名词复数 );(故事的)主人公;现实事件(尤指冲突和争端的)主要参与者;领导者
  • Mrs Pankhurst was one of the chief protagonists of women's rights. 潘克赫斯特太太是女权的主要倡导者之一。 来自辞典例句
  • This reflects that Feng Menglong heartily sympathized with these protagonists. 这反映出冯梦龙由衷地同情书中的这些主要人物。 来自互联网
10 awesome CyCzdV     
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
11 concierge gppzr     
  • This time the concierge was surprised to the point of bewilderment.这时候看门人惊奇到了困惑不解的地步。
  • As I went into the dining-room the concierge brought me a police bulletin to fill out.我走进餐厅的时候,看门人拿来一张警察局发的表格要我填。

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