英国学生科学读本 第61期:雪花莲(2)
时间:2017-01-25 03:04:45
If you cut this seed-vessel across with a pen-knife, you will find inside it some tiny young green seeds.
Within the flower of the snow-drop you can see some green
stripes1 on the white leaves; and as you are looking
closely2 at it, you may perhaps notice that the flower has a sweet smell. Both the smell and the green marks attractflying insects to the flower, and guide them down into its honey-cup. These insects, as you know, carry the pollendust from flower to flower, and so help the snow-drops to form their seeds.
Why do the flowers of the snow-drop hang down their heads? If they did not do so, the heavy rains of early spring would soon wash all the honey out of their cups, and all the
pollen3 dust from their dust-spikes. In February the insects go to sleep in the afternoon, and then, too, the snow-drop shuts up its
blossoms4; they do not open till the next morning, when the insects are again on the wing.
Do you know any other plant which is very much like the snow-drop? After the snow-drop has gone, the pretty yellow daffodil appears in the woods during March and April. If you pull a daffodil flower to pieces, you will find that in the number of its parts, and in the way in which they are
arranged5, it is very like the snow-drop. The daffodil—or "Lent-lily" as it is also called—grows very well in a garden, or in a flower-pot. You must plant the bulbs in the autumn, and they will flower in the next spring.