

时间:2017-03-09 23:49:46


   英语的否定句和英语的肯定句几乎同样普遍。与其它语言一样,英语的肯定结构较易理解,但否定结构较为复杂。对中国的英语学习者来说,有时对否定句的理解和翻译会因为搞不清楚否定的对象而弄出错误,有些否定简直成了一种陷阱,令人稍不留神就陷入其中。下面就把一些容易搞错的否定句罗列出来,提请英语学习者的注意和重视。 

  一、转移否定。转移否定结构往往貌似一般否定结构(not的位置与一般否定结构中的 not完全相同),实际上却是一种部分否定结构或是not由一部分转移到另一部分。这样的例子很多。
  All these nations are not neutral.
  这句话中,not否定的不是neutral,而是 all。这是一种部分否定。
  更多的例子:All that glitters is not gold.发光的不一定就是金子。
  Opportunities come to all,but all are not ready for them when they come.
  Everything is not a joke.
  这句话中,not否定的不是joke,而是 everything。
  更多的例子:Everybody cannot do it.并非人人都能干得了这件事。
  But you see,we both cannot go.
  这个句子中,not否定的不是go,而是 both。
  更多的例子:I do not know both of them .他们两人我只认识其中一个。
  You should not despise a man because he is poor.
  在这个句子里,not否定的不是后面的动词despise,而是because he is poor。值得注意的是,这种句型是有歧义的,我们要根据上下文排除歧义。如:
  I didn't go because I was afraid.这句话有两种可能性。(1)否定的是not之后的动词 go,可以理解成I didn't go,and that was because I was afraid.我因为害怕而没有去。(2)否定的是because,可以理解成I went,but that was not because I was afraid(but because of some other reason).我不是因为害怕才去的(而是因为别的原因)。
  更多的例子:A country is not strong because it is large.国大并不等于国强。
  They don't come to see you killed.
  在这个句子里,not否定的不是动词 come,而是to see you killed。
  更多的例子:He said,'Now,look,I didn't come here to get along with you guys. You're going to have to get along with me.'他说:"喂,老弟们,我到这儿来不是来听你们的,该是你们来听我的。"
  You cannot be too careful.
  英语说的cannot...too,意为"就算再……也不过分"或"越……越好",其中的can表示可能 性,too有over之意,可以换用enoug h或sufficient等字样。同时,在not的位置换用其他的否定词,如hardly,scarcely等也是可以的。因此下面5句话的意思同上面这句话的意思是完全一样的。
  You cannot be over careful.
  You cannot be careful enough.
  You cannot be sufficiently1 careful.
  You cannot take enough care.
  You cannot take sufficient care.
  7.It is a good horse that never stumbles.
  这个句子属于"It +be +adjective +noun+that..."句型。该句型多出现在一些谚语中, 在某些情况下,这种句型需要从反面解释。
  更多的例子:It is a long lane that has no turning.再长的胡同也有拐弯。(意思是:凡事总有变化,不会永远不变。)
  It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.哪怕是歪风也有人吹得舒服。(意思是:坏事未必 对人人都有害处。)
  8.He must be a fool if he does not know what I mean.
  9.   She is no bigger than my mother.
  更多的例子:I couldn't agree with you more .我极为同意你的观点。
  He was no less a person than the President.他正是总统本人。
  10.I never got no sleep in those days.
  英语和汉语一样,本来两个否定会成为一个肯定,但有时为了强调否定的语气,在通俗的口语中 会有双重否定仍表否定的情况。
  更多的例子:"I don't know nothing about what's waiting for me,"said Thrash.施腊希说:"我不知道我未来的命运如何。"



1 sufficiently 0htzMB     
  • It turned out he had not insured the house sufficiently.原来他没有给房屋投足保险。
  • The new policy was sufficiently elastic to accommodate both views.新政策充分灵活地适用两种观点。