
英国学生科学读本 第81期:一张纸(2)

时间:2017-04-25 02:29:54



   The torn rags are then boiled in water to which lime and soda1 have been added. This mixture removes all grease, stains, and colouring matters. The clean white rags are next put with water into another machine, which pulls the fibres apart, tears them into small pieces, and beats them into a soft white paste or pulp2.

  随后, 人们将这些撕裂的破布放入水中, 添加石灰和苏打。这种混合液体能够清理掉任何油脂、污点与有色物质。接下来, 干净的白色破布与水一起放到另一台机器中, 它可以将纤维撕成碎片, 搅拌成柔软的白色纸浆。
  Boys dip into this pulp square trays or frames, with bottoms made of thin wire threads, and take up just enough pulp to cover the trays. The water runs off through the wire bottoms, and a thin sheet of the fibres is left behind. This sheet is pressed between layers of felt till it is dry, and it is then just like thin blotting-paper.
  工人们将方形托盘或框子深入到纸浆之中, 这种工具的底部是细线做成的网。他们取出足够多的纸浆, 覆盖整个托盘。随后, 纸浆从网中流走, 在托盘上留下一层薄薄的纤维。这层纤维经过数层毛毡的挤压, 直到变干。随后, 它就成为了很薄的吸墨纸的样子。
  If it is to be made into writing-paper, the sheet is next dipped into size, and then dried again. Last of all a fine polish is given to the writing-paper by passing it between smooth steel rollers.
  如果要生产书写纸, 那么这层纤维就需要浸入胶料, 然后再次晒干。最后, 人们通过光滑的钢辊对书写纸进行挤压, 进行最后一道压光工序。
  If you hold up a piece of writing-paper to the light, you will probably see letters marked on it. These letters are called the water-mark, and they are made by means of wires fixed3 in the bottom of the tray in which the pulp was taken up.
  如果你举起一张书写纸, 对准亮光, 可能就会看到其中的字母。这些字母就是水印, 人们在托盘底部装上各种造型的细线, 当纸浆覆盖上去之后就会留下这些字母的形状。
  The paper used for printing newspapers and books is now made by machinery4 in rolls or webs several miles in length.
  如今, 报纸与图书使用的纸张都是机器生产的, 造出的纸卷可长达数英里。
  Paper is sometimes used for making collars and cuffs5, trays, water-pipes, boats, and even wheels for railway carriages. Paper was not used in Britain until about four hundred years ago. Before that time all writing was done on parchment, which is the prepared skin of the sheep.
  有时候, 人们用纸张来制作衣领与袖口、托盘、水管、小船甚至火车车厢的轮子。英国使用纸张的历史大约只有四百年。在此之前, 人们使用经过特殊处理的羊皮作为书写介质。



1 soda cr3ye     
  • She doesn't enjoy drinking chocolate soda.她不喜欢喝巧克力汽水。
  • I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes.我给你的饮料重加一些苏打水和冰块。
2 pulp Qt4y9     
  • The pulp of this watermelon is too spongy.这西瓜瓤儿太肉了。
  • The company manufactures pulp and paper products.这个公司制造纸浆和纸产品。
3 fixed JsKzzj     
  • Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?你们俩选定婚期了吗?
  • Once the aim is fixed,we should not change it arbitrarily.目标一旦确定,我们就不应该随意改变。
4 machinery CAdxb     
  • Has the machinery been put up ready for the broadcast?广播器材安装完毕了吗?
  • Machinery ought to be well maintained all the time.机器应该随时注意维护。
5 cuffs 4f67c64175ca73d89c78d4bd6a85e3ed     
n.袖口( cuff的名词复数 )v.掌打,拳打( cuff的第三人称单数 )
  • a collar and cuffs of white lace 带白色蕾丝花边的衣领和袖口
  • The cuffs of his shirt were fraying. 他衬衣的袖口磨破了。

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