夏洛的网 第116期:奇迹(7)
时间:2017-07-13 06:19:16
When Mr. Zuckerman got back to the house, he took off his work clothes and put on his best suit. 朱克曼先生回到家,脱下工作服,穿上最好的衣服。
Then he got into his car and drove to the minister's house. 然后他上了汽车,开到牧师家。
He stayed for an hour and explained to the minister that a miracle had happened on the farm. 他在那里待了一个小时,向牧师解释,说他的农场出现了奇迹。
"So far," said Zuckerman, "only four people on earth know about this miracle “到现在为止,”朱克曼先生说,“这个奇迹世界上一共只有四个人知道
- myself, my wife Edith, my hired man Lurvy, and you." "Don't tell anybody else," said the minister. ——我一个,我太太伊迪丝一个,我的雇工勒维一个,还有一个就是你。”“不要再告诉任何人,”牧师说,
"We don't know what it means yet, but perhaps if I give thought to it, I can explain it in my
sermon1 next Sunday. “我们还不知道这是什么意思,不过我也许会领悟出来,如果我领悟出来了,在下一个星期日布道时,我会作出解释。
There can be no doubt that you have a most unusual pig. 毫无疑问,你是有一只最不寻常的猪。
I intend to speak about it in my sermon and point out the fact that this community has been visited with a
wondrous2 animal. 打算在我的布道中提到它,指出这个社区有一只珍奇动物光临了。
By the way, does the pig have a name?" 对了,这猪有名字吗?”
"Why, yes," said Mr. Zuckerman. "My little niece calls him Wilbur. “当然有,”朱克曼先生说,“我的小外甥女叫它威尔伯。
She's a rather
queer3 child - full of
notions4. 我这小外甥女是个十分古怪的孩子——满脑子怪念头。
She raised the pig on a bottle and I bought him from her when he was a month old." 她用奶瓶喂养过这小猪,小猪一个月大的时候,我从她那里把小猪买了下来。”
He shook hands with the minister, and left. 他同牧师握握手,离开了。