夏洛的网 第125期:会议(6)
时间:2017-07-13 06:27:26
The rat entered the barn the way he always did 老鼠进谷仓照它的老样子走
- creeping along close to the wall. ——贴着墙边爬。
"What's up?" he asked, seeing the animals assembled. “什么事?”看到所有的动物聚在一起,它问道。
"We're holding a directors' meeting," replied the old sheep. “我们在开头头会议,”老羊回答说。
"Well, break it up! " said Templeton. "Meetings bore me." “好了,散会吧!”坦普尔顿说,“开会让我心烦。”
And the rat began to climb a rope that hung against the wall. 老鼠开始爬墙边挂着的绳子。
"Look," said the old sheep, “听我说,”老羊说,
"next time you go to the dump, Templeton, bring back a clipping from a magazine. “下一回你上垃圾场去,坦普尔顿,你啃点杂志带回来好吗?
Charlotte needs new ideas so she can write messages in her web and save Wilbur's life." 夏洛需要新字眼织在网上,好救威尔伯的命。”
"Let him die," said the rat. "I should worry." “让它死掉算了,”老鼠说,“我才不在乎呢。”