夏洛的网 第130期:进展顺利(3)
时间:2017-07-18 02:51:20
Charlotte climbed to a point at the top of the left hand side of the web. 夏洛爬上网顶左边。
Swinging her spinnerets into position, she attached her thread and then dropped down. 它把它的吐丝器晃到位,伴着丝往下送。
As she dropped, her spinning tubes went into action and she let out thread. 下送时,吐丝管收缩排出丝。
At the bottom, she attached the thread. 在吐丝管的底部,吐出丝。
This formed the
upright1 part of the letter T. 就这样织完了字母T的竖。
Charlotte was not satisfied, however. 不过夏洛还不满意。
She climbed up and made another
attachment2, right next to the first. 它爬到上面去再吐丝,就吐在第一次织的字旁边,
Then she carried the line down, so that she had a double line instead of a single line. 然后拉着丝往下爬,这么一来,这个字就不是单线而是双线了。
"It will show up better if I make the whole thing with double lines." “我把几个字都织成双线,它们就更醒目了。”
She climbed back up, moved over about an inch to the left, touched her spinnerets to the web, 于是它重新爬到网顶,在第一个字右边,离开一点,开始吐丝,
and then carried a line across to the right, forming the top of the T. 拉着丝一直吐到右边,织成了T的横。
She repeated this, making it double. 重复一次,形成双线。
Her eight legs were very busy
helping3. 她的八条腿帮着忙,忙个没完。