夏洛的网 第137期:进展顺利(10)
时间:2017-08-04 01:31:55
Templeton was down there now, rummaging1 around. 坦普尔顿这会儿就在这个地方挖来挖去。
When he returned to the barn, 等到它回谷仓,
he carried in his mouth an advertisement he had torn from a
crumpled2 magazine. 它嘴里叼着从一本团起来的杂志上啃下来的一小片广告。
"How's this?" he asked, showing the ad to Charlotte. “这个怎么样?”它把广告给夏洛看,问它说,
"It says 'Crunchy'. “是‘松脆’。
'Crunchy' would be a good word to write in your web." 在你的网上织上‘松脆’这个字眼挺好的。”
"Just the wrong idea," replied Charlotte. “这正好是个馊主意,”夏洛回答说,
"Couldn't be worse. We don't want Zuckerman to think Wilbur is crunchy. “馊得不能再馊了。我们不要朱克曼先生想到威尔伯松脆。
He might start thinking about crisp, 他会想到松脆煎熏肉,
crunchy bacon and tasty ham. 这一来,又会想到美味的火腿。
That would put ideas into his head. 这个字眼只会引起他想到这些东西。
We must advertise Wilbur's noble qualities, not his tastiness. 我们必须宣传威尔伯的高尚品质而不是它的味道。
Go get another word, please, Templeton!" 请你去另找一个,坦普尔顿。”