木偶奇遇记 第123期:匹诺曹变成了一头驴子(4)
时间:2017-08-18 02:18:12
"But is it really so?" asked the Marionette1, sobbing2 bitterly. “这是真的吗?”木偶悲伤的抽泣着问。
"I am sorry to say it is. And tears now are useless. You should have thought of all this before." “不幸得很,这是真的。如今哭也没用。你早就该想到。”
"But the fault is not mine. Believe me, little Dormouse, the fault is all Lamp-Wick's." “可错的不是我。小睡鼠,请你相信我,错的全是小灯芯!”
"And who is this Lamp-Wick?" “这个小灯芯是谁?”
"A classmate of mine. I wanted to return home. I wanted to be
obedient3. “是我的一个同学。我想回家,我想听话。
I wanted to study and to succeed in school, but Lamp-Wick said to me, 'Why do you want to waste your time studying? 我想学习,我想在学业上有出息,可小灯芯对我说:‘你干吗要浪费时间在学习上呢?
Why do you want to go to school? Come with me to the Land of Toys. There we'll never study again. 你干吗想上学呢?跟我走吧,上“玩具国”去。到了那里,咱们就再不用学习了。
There we can enjoy ourselves and be happy from morn till night.'" 在那里我们可以从早玩到晚,老是快快活活的。’”
"And why did you follow the advice of that false friend?" “那你为什么听这个坏朋友的话呢?”
"Why? Because, my dear little Dormouse, I am a heedless Marionette—heedless and heartless. “为什么?我亲爱的睡鼠,因为我是个没头脑的木偶,没头脑、没心肝。