木偶奇遇记 第134期:匹诺曹登台献艺(6)
时间:2017-08-24 00:39:05
"Most honored friends, Gentlemen and Ladies! “尊敬的朋友们,女士们和先生们!”
humble1 servant, the Manager of this theater, presents himself before you tonight “您谦恭的仆人,马戏团的班主今晚将为诸位观众
in order to introduce to you the greatest, the most famous Donkey in the world, 介绍一位鼎鼎大名的驴子,
a Donkey that has had the great honor in his short life of performing before the kings and queens and emperors of all the great courts of Europe. 他曾有幸为欧州各主要宫廷的国王、皇后以及皇帝陛下表演过。”
"We thank you for your attention!" “衷心感谢诸位光临赏脸。”
This speech was greeted by much laughter and applause. 这番话引起许多笑声和掌声。
And the applause grew to a roar when Pinocchio, the famous Donkey, appeared in the circus ring. 这掌声越来越大,等皮诺乔,来到场中央时,变成了雷鸣。
He was handsomely arrayed. 他被装饰的豪华一新。
A new
bridle2 of shining leather with
buckles3 of polished
brass4 was on his back; 他背上套着闪闪发亮的新的皮缰绳,皮缰绳上镶着铜扣;
two white camellias were tied to his ears; 两只耳朵上各绑着一朵白茶花;
ribbons and
tassels5 of red silk
adorned6 his mane, which was divided into many curls. 鬃毛编成许多卷辫子,用丝绸做的红绸带和流苏扎着。
A great sash of gold and silver was fastened around his waist and his tail was decorated with ribbons of many brilliant colors. 很大一束金丝银丝缠着他的腰部;整条尾巴用灿烂的丝带装饰着。
He was a handsome Donkey indeed! 他确实是头气派的驴子!
The Manager, when introducing him to the public, added these words: 班主向观众介绍他时又说了这么一番话:
"Most honored audience! I shall not take your time tonight to tell you of the great difficulties which I have encountered “我尊敬的观众们!我本不应浪费诸位的时间,
while trying to tame this animal, since I found him in the wilds of Africa. 来讲述我驯服这头动物时遇到的巨大困难,我是在非洲野外找到的他。