夏洛的网 第152期:多里安医生(6)
时间:2017-09-18 02:05:09
Dr. Dorian leaned back and closed his eyes. 多里安医生靠在椅背上,闭上眼睛。
"It must be real nice and quiet down there. “那里一定是个真正安静的好地方。
Homer has some sheep, hasn't he?" 霍默有好些羊,对吗?”
"But it all started with that pig we let Fern raise on a bottle. “不过一切是从我们让弗恩用奶瓶喂小猪开始的。
She calls him Wilbur. 她给小猪取了个名字叫威尔伯。
Homer bought the pig, and ever since it left our place Fern has been going to her uncle's to be near it." 霍默把这头小猪买去了,自从小猪离开我们家,弗恩就一直上她舅舅家去待在它身边。
"I've been hearing things about that pig," said Dr. Dorian, opening his eyes. “关于那只小猪,我听到了好些新闻,”多里安医生一下子睁开眼睛说,
"They say he's quite a pig." “他们说这小猪了不起。”
"Have you heard about the words that appeared in the spider's web?" asked Mrs.
Arable2 nervously3. “你也听说蜘蛛网上出现的字了?”阿拉布尔太太紧张地问道。
"Yes," replied the doctor. “对,”医生回答说。
"Well, do you understand it?" asked Mrs. Arable. “那么,你明白了?”阿拉布尔太太问道。
"Understand what?" “明白什么?”