国家地理:Animal Mating: Blue-Footed Boobies 蓝脚鲣鸟
时间:2007-08-01 02:51:01
The mating ritual of each species on Earth has certain, well,
peculiarities1. As you might tell it from the name of the species itself, blue-footed boobies are no exception to this rule.
Here in the Galapagos Islands, this pair of blue-footed boobies check each other out. Now, what is the most important quality the female looks for in a male: good looks? A steady income? Beachfront property? Well, those are important, but they pale in comparison to having blue feet. Hence, this dance- the revelation of foot color, so that the female will not by mistake mate with a red-footed booby, or even a crab-footed booby.
Now, let's say
though an
iguana2 wanders into a booby land. The boobies tend to breed where the
marine3 iguana spend the night, so this iguana does have a reason to be here. Not that the boobies care. They force the poor iguana to run a gantlet of pecking beats.
Peck "Ouch!”
Peck "Ouch!"
Hey, let me out of here, man! This is worse than a fraternity
The iguana finds its way out, which I guess in this case, you could say is the,
er, booby prize- aha, sorry.
check out: to look at someone or something because they are interesting or attractive
iguana: a large tropical American lizard
run the gauntlet: To be made to run between two lines of people facing each other and be hit by them with clubs or other weapons
ouch: Used to express sudden pain or displeasure
haze: To initiate, as into a college fraternity, by exacting humiliating performances from or playing rough practical jokes upon