
木偶奇遇记 第150期:鲨鱼腹中的奇遇(3)

时间:2017-10-25 06:55:21



   And then I went with the Fox and the Cat to the Field of Wonders to bury the gold pieces. 后来我同狐狸和猫去了奇迹之地,把金币埋在地里。

  The Parrot laughed at me and, instead of two thousand gold pieces, I found none. 一只鹦鹉嘲笑我,说我不会拿到两千个金币,而是一个也拿不到。
  When the Judge heard I had been robbed, he sent me to jail to make the thieves happy; 法官听说我被抢了,就把我关到牢里让小偷们高兴。
  and when I came away I saw a fine bunch of grapes hanging on a vine. 当我出了监狱,我看到葡萄架上有一串很好的葡萄。
  The trap caught me and the Farmer put a collar on me and made me a watchdog. 捕兽夹夹住了我,农夫给我套上了狗颈圈,让我看家护院。
  He found out I was innocent when I caught the Weasels and he let me go. 当我抓住了鼬鼠,他发现了我是无辜的就放我走了。
  The Serpent with the tail that smoked started to laugh and a vein1 in his chest broke and so I went back to the Fairy's house. 一条尾巴喷烟的蛇开始哈哈大笑,笑得肚子上一根静脉都爆了,于是我就回仙女家了。
  She was dead, and the Pigeon, seeing me crying, said to me, 'I have seen your father building a boat to look for you in America,' 她死了,鸽子看见我哭,对我说:我看见你爸爸做了一只小船去美国找你。’
  and I said to him, 'Oh, if I only had wings!' ‘我对它说:‘噢!我有翅膀就好了!’
  and he said to me, 'Do you want to go to your father?' 它对我说:‘你想去你爸爸那儿吗?’
  and I said, 'Perhaps, but how?' and he said, 'Get on my back. I'll take you there.' 我说:‘也许吧!但是现在又能怎么办呢?’他对我说:‘爬到我的背上来我送你去。’
  We flew all night long, and next morning the fishermen were looking toward the sea, crying, 我们就这样飞了一夜。第二天早晨,渔民看着大海叫到:
  'There is a poor little man drowning,' and I knew it was you, because my heart told me so and I waved to you from the shore—" ‘有一个可怜人沉了。’我就知道是您,因为我的心是这么告诉我的,于是我在岸上向您招手。”
  "I knew you also," put in Geppetto, "and I wanted to go to you; but how could I? “我也知道是你,”杰佩托说,“我也想去找你,可我怎么能办到呢?
  The sea was rough and the whitecaps overturned the boat. 大海波涛汹涌,一个大浪把小船打翻了。
  Then a Terrible Shark came up out of the sea and, as soon as he saw me in the water, 就在这时候,一条可怕的大鲨鱼,它一看见我在水里,
  swam quickly toward me, put out his tongue, and swallowed me as easily as if I had been a chocolate peppermint2." 马上向我游过来,伸出舌头一口把我吞下去,就像吞一块薄荷巧克力似的。”



1 vein fi9w0     
  • The girl is not in the vein for singing today.那女孩今天没有心情唱歌。
  • The doctor injects glucose into the patient's vein.医生把葡萄糖注射入病人的静脉。
2 peppermint slNzxg     
  • Peppermint oil is very good for regulating digestive disorders.薄荷油能很有效地调节消化系统失调。
  • He sat down,popped in a peppermint and promptly choked to death.他坐下来,突然往嘴里放了一颗薄荷糖,当即被噎死。

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