
夏洛的网 第160期:蟋蟀(3)

时间:2017-11-23 06:11:54



   It is not easy to look radiant, but Wilbur threw himself into it with a will. 让自己看上去光彩照人很不容易,可威尔伯决心来一下。

  He would turn his head slightly and blink his long eye-lashes. 微微转动它的头,眨动它的长睫毛。
  Then he would breathe deeply. 然后它深呼吸。
  And when his audience grew bored, 等到观众看厌了,
  he would spring into the air and do a back flip1 with a half twist. 它又跳高来个转半身后空翻。
  At this the crowd would yell and cheer. 观众看到这一招,全不由得哇哇欢呼起来。
  "How's that for a pig?" Mr. Zuckerman would ask, well pleased with himself. “一只猪怎么能做出这样的动物啊?”朱克曼心里太高兴了,问道,
  "That pig is radiant." “那猪真是光彩找人。”
  Some of Wilbur's friends in the barn 威尔伯在谷仓的有些朋友
  worried for fear all this attention would go to his head and make him stuck up. 担心所有这些捧场会冲昏它的头脑,害得它骄傲自大。
  But it never did. Wilbur was modest; fame did not spoil him. 可没这回事。威尔伯始终十分谦虚,名气并没有害了它。
  He still worried some about the future, as he could hardly believe that a mere2 spider would be able to save his life. 它还是对未来有点担心,因为它很难相信,小小一只蜘蛛就能挽救它的性命。
  Sometimes at night he would have a bad dream. 有时候它夜里会做噩梦。
  He would dream that men were coming to get him with knives and guns. 它梦见人们拿着刀枪来捉它。
  But that was only a dream. 但这只是梦。
  In the daytime, Wilbur usually felt happy and confident. 白天威尔伯通常觉得快活和放心。
  No pig ever had truer friends, and he realized that friendship is one of the most satisfying things in the world. 没有哪只猪能比它有更忠实的朋友了,它感觉到友谊是天底下最使人称心的东西。
  Even the song of the crickets did not make Wilbur too sad. 甚至蟋蟀唱歌也没有让威尔伯太难过。
  He knew it was almost time for the County Fair, 它知道县里举办集市的时间快到了,
  and he was looking forward to the trip. 它在等着上那儿去。
  If he could distinguish himself at the Fair, 只要它能在集市上出人头地,
  and maybe win some prize money, 也许会赢得点奖金,
  he was sure Zuckerman would let him live. 它相信这样一来,朱克曼先生就会让它活下去。



1 flip Vjwx6     
  • I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting.我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。
  • Let's flip a coin to see who pays the bill.咱们来抛硬币决定谁付钱。
2 mere rC1xE     
  • That is a mere repetition of what you said before.那不过是重复了你以前讲的话。
  • It's a mere waste of time waiting any longer.再等下去纯粹是浪费时间。

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