
英文书摘精选 财富成功还有爱 Wealth Success and Love

时间:2018-03-29 07:11:39



Wealth1 Success and Love

A woman saw three old men sitting in her front yard. She said, “I don’t think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat. ”

“We do not go into a house together. ”they replied.

“Why is that?”she wanted to know.

One of the old men explained:“His name is Wealth, this is Success, and I am Love. ”Then he added2, “Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home. ”

Then the woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband said, “Let’s invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth.”His wife disagreed3, “My dear, why don’t we invite Success?”Then the daughter made a suggestion:“Would it be better to invite Love?Our home will then be filled with love.”“Let’s take our daughter’s advice. ”said the father.

So the woman went out and asked, “Which one of you is Love?Please come in and be our guest. ”Love got up and started walking toward4 the house. The other two also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success:“I only invited Love. Why are you coming in?”

The old men replied together:“If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would have stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever5 HE goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success.”

财富 成功 还有爱

一个妇女看见有三位老人坐在她家的前院里, 就对他们说:“我想我不认识你们, 但你们一定饿了吧。那就请进屋吃点东西吧!”



其中一位老人解释道:“他叫‘财富’, 这是‘成功’, 而我则是‘爱’, ”他补充道, “现在你回屋去, 和你丈夫商量一下, 愿意让我们中的哪一位进去。”

妇女便进屋把一切告诉了她丈夫。她丈夫说:“我们请‘财富’吧, 让他进来, 使我们的家充满财富!”妻子不同意:“我说亲爱的, 我们为什么不邀请‘成功’呢?”这时, 他们的女儿建议道:“请‘爱’会不会更好呢?那样我们的家就会充满爱了!”“我们听女儿的吧。”父亲说。

于是, 妇女便出来问道:“请问哪一位是‘爱’呀?请进屋做客吧!”‘爱’站了起来, 向屋子走去。另外两个人也站了起来, 跟在‘爱’的身后。妇女很惊讶, 便问‘财富’和‘成功’:“我只邀请了‘爱’, 怎么你们也来了呢?”

三位老人再次异口同声地答道:“如果你邀请‘财富’或是‘成功’, 我们中的另外两个就会待在外面, 但是既然你邀请了‘爱’, 无论他走到哪里, 我们都会跟着他。因为哪里有‘爱’, 哪里就会有‘财富’和‘成功!’”



1 wealth 8Mjzh     
  • Loss of health is more serious than loss of wealth.健康的丧失比财富的损失更为重要。
  • It goes without saying that health is above wealth.健康胜于财富这是不言而喻的。
2 added mzJzm0     
  • They have added a new scene at the beginning.在开头他们又增加了一场戏。
  • The pop music added to our enjoyment of the film.片中的流行音乐使我们对这部电影更加喜爱。
3 disagreed b4241d70eeb910f4020320c693512cdf     
v.不同意( disagree的过去式和过去分词 );(食物)有害健康;不适合;不符
  • Although she often disagreed with me, she was always courteous. 尽管她常常和我意见不一,但她总是很谦恭有礼。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He disagreed, but he didn't say anything definitive. 他尽管不同意,但是没有把话说绝。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
4 toward on6we     
  • Suddenly I saw a tall figure approaching toward the policeman.突然间我看到一个高大的身影朝警察靠近。
  • Upon seeing her,I smiled and ran toward her. 看到她我笑了,并跑了过去。
5 wherever Yg7wC     
  • She used to follow after him wherever he went.以前,他走到哪里,她总是跟到哪里。
  • The foolish boy was laughed at wherever he went.这个愚蠢的男孩不论走到哪里都受到讥笑。

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