与美国小学生一起学英文第1册 第28期:测量
时间:2018-04-12 02:00:33
Measure 测量
People measure length, height and weight. 人们测量长度、高度和重量。
They measure these with some rulers or scales. 他们是用尺子或磅秤测量的。
In the United States, people use inches, feet and yards for length and height. 在美国,人们用英寸、英尺和码量长度和高度。
They use
ounces1 and pounds for weight. 他们用盎司和磅测量重量。
The heaviest peoson in history was 976 pounds. 历史上最重的人有976磅(约443千克)。
The tallest peoson in history was 8 feet 11 inches. 历史上最高的人高8英尺11英寸(约272厘米)。