与美国小学生一起学英文第2册 第29期:黏土
时间:2018-04-12 08:03:10
Clay 黏土
Clay is made of rocks. 黏土是由岩石制成的。
It is everywhere on Earth, and it is very useful for making
pottery1. 地球上黏土到处都有,它是制作陶器的有用材料。
When people work with clay, they need their fingers, rolling pins and canvas, sticks and toothpicks, cutters, plastic bags, a clay cutter, sponges and so on. 人们用黏土进行作业时,需要用到手指、擀面杖、画布、小棍子、牙签、切割刀、塑料袋、刮泥刀、海绵等。
There are different colours of clay. 黏土有不同的颜色。
They are white, blue, green, black, orange, purple and even pink. 黏土的颜色有白色、蓝色、绿色、黑色、橙色、紫色甚至粉红色。