与美国小学生一起学英文第3册 第21期:克里斯多弗·哥伦布
时间:2018-04-13 01:23:12
Christopher Columbus 克里斯多弗·哥伦布
Christopher Columbus was a very brave sailor and
explorer1. 克里斯多弗·哥伦布是一位勇敢的水手和探险家。
He was born in Genova Italy. 他出生在意大利热那亚。
He believed the globe was round. 他坚信地球是圆的。
Columbus tried to find a new way to India. 哥伦布试图找到一条通向印度的新路线。
Spain's queen supported his journey to India. 西班牙女王支持他的印度之行。
In 1492, he found the new land. 1492年,哥伦布发现了新大陆。
But it wasn't India, it was the American Continent. 但它不是印度,而是美洲大陆。
Columbus kept believing it was India until he died in 1506. 哥伦布直到1506年去世前一直坚信这块大陆是印度。