与美国小学生一起学英文第5册 第8期:力
时间:2018-04-16 01:37:09
Force “力”
A force is a push or a pull. “力”是指推力或拉力。
Force gives an object the energy to move, stop moving or change direction. “力”给予物体移动、不移动或改变方向的能量。
Here are some good examples of force. 这里有几个关于“力”的好例子。
When you write with a pen, you are creating a force. 当你用笔写东西时,你在产生“力”。
When you
pedal1 your bike, you are creating a force. 当你骑你的自行车时,你在产生“力”。
When you blow your nose, chew your gum or swim in a pool, you are creating forces. 当你擤鼻涕、嚼口香糖或在池中游泳时,你在产生“力”。