与美国小学生一起学英文第6册 第17期:学校社团
时间:2018-04-16 02:29:51
The School Community 学校社团
A community is a group of people. 社团是一群人。
A school community is one of the basic communities for students. 学校社团是学生的基本社团之一。
Students can learn many academic subjects in school. 学生可以在学校学到许多学科的知识。
But in the school community, they will learn many other things too. 但在学校社团,他们也能学到很多其他的东西。
They will learn culture,
ethics1 and how to behave themselves. 他们将会学习文化、伦理和行为举止。
What else do students do in the school community? 学生还可以在社团做什么?
Students share their thoughts and ideas. 他们可以交流思想。