与美国小学生一起学英文第6册 第29期:拼贴画
时间:2018-04-16 02:49:05
The Collage1 拼贴画
When you make a collage, you will need many pieces of paper, newspapers, magazines, pencils, scissors and glue. 当你制作拼贴画时,需要很多纸张、报纸、杂志、铅笔、剪刀和胶水。
Do you know how to make a collage? 你知道如何制作拼贴画吗?
First, you have to think of what you want to draw. 首先,你得想好你要画什么。
And then,
sketch2 it on the drawing paper. 然后在纸上画幅草图。
You don't need to color your picture, but you need to glue different kinds of paper to fill up your picture. 你不必对草图进行涂色,不过,为了填充草图,你要用胶水粘贴各种类型的纸片。
You can use any kinds of newspapers or magazines to decorate your picture. 你可以用各种类型的报纸杂志装饰你的图画。