与美国小学生一起学英文第8册 第20期:殖民地
时间:2018-04-18 00:43:09
Colonies1 殖民地
colony2 is a country under the control of another country. 殖民地是指居于其他国家统治之下的国家。
The United States was a colony of Great Britain. 美国曾是大英帝国的殖民地。
Until it became independent from Great Britain, the United States did not have freedom. 直到从英国独立出来后才有自由。
At that time, the king of Great Britain governed the United States. 那时,大英帝国的国王统治着美国。
Hundreds of years ago, countries like Great Britain, France and Russia had colonies all over the world. 几百年前,英国、法国、俄国等国家在世界各地都有殖民地。
South Korea was also a colony of Japan for about forty years. 南韩曾被日本殖民统治40年。
Now, many countries are independent. 现在,很多国家都独立了。
They have their own presidents, laws and economic systems. 它们有自己的总统、法律和经济体系。