与美国小学生一起学英文第10册 第4期:波浪
时间:2018-04-19 01:21:30
Waves 波浪
A wave is the movement of water. 波浪是水的运动。
Why do waves happen? 波浪是怎么产生的呢?
Waves are made when the wind blows over the surface of water. 风吹水面就会产生波浪。
On the beach, you probably watch waves. 在沙滩上,你也许会看到波浪。
Sea waves can be very
powerful1 and dangerous. 海浪可能非常强大,且非常危险。
Huge waves sometimes break out and then kill people. 有时会爆发巨浪杀人。
Can we change the power of waves into energy? 我们能把波浪的力量转化成能量吗?
Yes, engineers make wave energy machines to use the power of waves. 能,工程师制造了波浪能机器来利用波浪中的能量。
Also, you can make waves by yourself. 你也可以自己制造波浪。
How does it happen? 怎么做呢?
When you throw a rock into water, you can see waves. 你往水里扔一块石头,你就能看到波浪了。
When you
flush2 the toilet, you can also see waves. 当你冲厕所时,你也能看到波浪。