与美国小学生一起学英文第10册 第15期:朝圣者
时间:2018-04-19 01:38:33
Pilgrims1 朝圣者
About 400 years ago, native Indians were the only people in north America. 大约400年前,北美洲只有印第安土著居民。
But now, there are many kinds of people in the United States. 但是现在,美国有很多种族的人。
First, English people came to north America, because north America was British
colony2. 最先一批到达北美的是英国人,因为这里是英国的殖民地。
They came on a big ship called the May Flower in 1620. 1620年,他们乘坐名为“五月花”号的大船来到这里。
They made towns and planted grain. 他们在这里建造城镇,种植粮食。
These people are called pilgrims. 这些人被称为朝圣者。
Because the pilgrims were from England, they named their land new England. 因为朝圣者来自于英格兰,所以他们把家园命名为新英格兰。
In parts of new England, you can still see many museums and monuments for the pilgrims. 在新英格兰部分地区,你仍然可以看到许多朝圣者的博物馆和纪念碑。