与美国小学生一起学英文第10册 第27期:木炭
时间:2018-04-19 01:52:27
Charcoal1 木炭
Charcoal has many uses. 木炭有许多用途。
First, it is used to heat our houses. 首先,它可以给我们的房子加热。
Second, it moves trains. 其次,它能移动火车。
Third, you can draw a picture with charcoal. 再者,你可以用木炭作画。
Charcoal is one of most frequently used materials in art. 木炭是艺术中最常用的材料之一。
With charcoal, you may not be able to draw a
complicated2 drawing, because charcoal is very rough and thick. 你可能无法用木炭画出复杂的图画,因为木炭很粗糙,也很厚。
However, a charcoal drawing usually look softer than a pencil drawing. 然而,炭笔画通常比铅笔画看起来更柔和。
So painters like to draw with charcoal. 所以,画家们喜欢用木炭作画。
Why don't you draw with charcoal? 你为什么不用木炭画画呢?
You will have fun. 你会玩得很开心的。
But you need to be careful when use charcoal, you will get very dirty hands. 但是你使用木炭时要小心,你的手会变脏。