
与美国小学生一起学英文第11册 第10期:滨线

时间:2018-04-19 02:17:20



   Shoreline 滨线

  Is it a shore different from a coast? Yes, it is. 滨和海岸是不是不一样?是的。
  The word "coast" is used when land meets the ocean. “海岸”是陆地和海洋接触的地方
  The word "shore" is used when land meets a large body of water like an ocean or a lake. “滨”是陆地和海洋或湖泊等大面积水域接触的地方。
  Therefore, A shore can be a coast, because a coast is a kind of shore. 因此,滨可以是海岸,因为,海岸是滨的一种。
  The word "shoreline" describes the line where shore and land meet. “滨线”描绘的是滨和陆地接触形成的线。
  How is a shoreline created? 滨线是怎么形成的?
  It is usually created by waves of water. 它实际上是由波浪的作用形成的。
  Rocks and soil from the land also affect the shape of a shoreline. 陆地的岩石和土壤也会影响滨线的形状。
  Some areas near an ocean or a lake boast1 beautiful shorelines. 有些靠近海洋或湖泊的地带拥有美丽的滨线。
  Do you know any beautiful shores? 你有知道的美丽的滨吗?



1 boast itSzE     
  • It is nothing to boast of.这没有什么可夸耀的。
  • Talent is his boast.他以有才自豪。

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