与美国小学生一起学英文第11册 第15期:北约
时间:2018-04-19 02:20:36
NATO is the North Atlantic
Treaty1 Organization. 北约的全称是“北大西洋公约组织”。
It is a kind of contract among Western European countries and North American countries. 它是西欧国家与北美国家之间的一种协议。
A few years after World War II, Western European countries, The United States and Canada wanted to protect themselves. 二战后的几年里,西欧国家、美国和加拿大想要保护他们自己。
So, they promised to help one another, if one of NATO countries was in danger. 因此,他们承诺,如果其中一个北约国家有危险,那么其他北约国家就得帮助它。
How many countries are members of NATO? 北约有多少个成员?
There are 26 European countries, and Canada and the United States. 北约有26个欧洲国家、加拿大和美国。
They are in Belgium. 在比利时。