与美国小学生一起学英文第11册 第17期:法国大革命
时间:2018-04-19 02:24:20
French Revolution1 法国大革命
In the late 18th century, in France, the
economy2 was in trouble. Why? 十八世纪后期,法国经济陷入困境。为什么?
At that time, Louis the XVI became the king of the France. 那时路易十六成为了法国国王。
The king and the queen Marie Antoinette did not really care about their country. 国王和王后玛丽·安托瓦内特一点都不关心他们的国家。
Instead, they spend a lot of tax money to buy many expensive things. 相反,他们挥霍大量的税钱购买许多奢侈品。
Therefore, the economy was really terrible. 因此,法国的经济非常糟糕。
People couldn't even buy bread. 人民甚至都没钱买面包。
So, they got upset. 因此,他们越来越失望。
And attacked the Palace of Versailles. 并袭击了凡尔赛宫。
This event is called the French Revolution. 此次事件称为“法国大革命”。
Do you know what happened in France after the French Revelution? 你知道法国大革命后法国发生了什么吗?
France didn't have any more kings or queens. 法国再也没有了国王和王后。